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Pokharana, Anchal, Sharma, Samiksha.  2021.  Encryption, File Splitting and File compression Techniques for Data Security in virtualized environment. 2021 Third International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA). :480—485.
Nowadays cloud computing has become the crucial part of IT and most important thing is information security in cloud environment. Range of users can access the facilities and use cloud according to their feasibility. Cloud computing is utilized as safe storage of information but still data security is the biggest concern, for example, secrecy, data accessibility, data integrity is considerable factor for cloud storage. Cloud service providers provide the facility to clients that they can store the data on cloud remotely and access whenever required. Due to this facility, it gets necessary to shield or cover information from unapproved access, hackers or any sort of alteration and malevolent conduct. It is inexpensive approach to store the valuable information and doesn't require any hardware and software to hold the data. it gives excellent work experience but main measure is just security. In this work security strategies have been proposed for cloud data protection, capable to overpower the shortcomings of conventional data protection algorithms and enhancing security using steganography algorithm, encryption decryption techniques, compression and file splitting technique. These techniques are utilized for effective results in data protection, Client can easily access our developed desktop application and share the information in an effective and secured way.