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A Study on Advancement in Honeypot based Network Security Model. 2021 Third International Conference on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks (ICICV). :94–97.
2021. Throughout the years, honeypots have been very useful in tracking down attackers and preventing different types of cyber attacks on a very large scale. It's been almost 3 decades since the discover of honeypots and still more than 80% of the companies rely on this system because of intrusion detection features and low false positive rate. But with time, the attackers tend to start discovering loopholes in the system. Hence it is very important to be up to date with the technology when it comes to protecting a computing device from the emerging cyber attacks. Timely advancements in the security model provided by the honeypots helps in a more efficient use of the resource and also leads to better innovations in that field. The following paper reviews different methods of honeypot network and also gives an insight about the problems that those techniques can face along with their solution. Further it also gives the detail about the most preferred solution among all of the listed techniques in the paper.