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Bhardwaj, Ankur, Akhter, Shamim.  2021.  Multi Feedback LFSR Based Watermarking of FSM. 2021 7th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC). :357–361.
Many techniques are available nowadays, for Intellectual Property(IP) protection of Digital circuits. Out of these techniques, the popular one is watermarking. Similar to the watermarking used in case of text, image and video, watermarking of digital circuits also modifies a digital circuit design in such a way, that only the IP owner of design is able to extract the watermark form the design. In this paper, Multi – Feedback configuration of Linear Feedback Shift Register(LFSR) is used to watermark a FSM based design. This watermarking technique improves the watermark strength of already existing LFSR based watermarking technique. In terms of hardware utilization, it is significantly efficient than some popular watermarking techniques. The proposed technique has been implemented using Verilog HDL in Xilinx ISE and the simulation is done using ModelSim.