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A Trust Based DNS System to Prevent Eclipse Attack on Blockchain Networks. 2022 15th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN). :01—08.
2022. The blockchain network is often considered a reliable and secure network. However, some security attacks, such as eclipse attacks, have a significant impact on blockchain networks. In order to perform an eclipse attack, the attacker must be able to control enough IP addresses. This type of attack can be mitigated by blocking incoming connections. Connected machines may only establish outbound connections to machines they trust, such as those on a whitelist that other network peers maintain. However, this technique is not scalable since the solution does not allow nodes with new incoming communications to join the network. In this paper, we propose a scalable and secure trust-based solution against eclipse attacks with a peer-selection strategy that minimizes the probability of eclipse attacks from nodes in the network by developing a trust point. Finally, we experimentally analyze the proposed solution by creating a network simulation environment. The analysis results show that the proposed solution reduces the probability of an eclipse attack and has a success rate of over 97%.
Anomaly Detection and Anomaly Location Model for Multiple Attacks Using Finite Automata. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE). :01—06.
2022. In control systems, the operation of the system after an incident occurs is important. This paper proposes to design a whitelist model that can detect anomalies and identify locations of anomalous actuators using finite automata during multiple actuators attack. By applying this model and comparing the whitelist model with the operation data, the monitoring system detects anomalies and identifies anomaly locations of actuator that deviate from normal operation. We propose to construct a whitelist model focusing on the order of the control system operation using binary search trees, which can grasp the state of the system when anomalies occur. We also apply combinatorial compression based on BDD (Binary Decision Diagram) to the model to speed up querying and identification of abnormalities. Based on the model designed in this study, we aim to construct a secured control system that selects and executes an appropriate fallback operation based on the state of the system when anomaly is detected.