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Sweigert, Devin, Chowdhury, Md Minhaz, Rifat, Nafiz.  2022.  Exploit Security Vulnerabilities by Penetration Testing. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (eIT). :527–532.
When we setup a computer network, we need to know if an attacker can get into the system. We need to do a series of test that shows the vulnerabilities of the network setup. These series of tests are commonly known Penetration Test. The need for penetration testing was not well known before. This paper highlights how penetration started and how it became as popular as it has today. The internet played a big part into the push to getting the idea of penetration testing started. The styles of penetration testing can vary from physical to network or virtual based testing which either can be a benefit to how a company becomes more secure. This paper presents the steps of penetration testing that a company or organization needs to carry out, to find out their own security flaws.