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Khan, Muhammad Maaz Ali, Ehabe, Enow Nkongho, Mailewa, Akalanka B..  2022.  Discovering the Need for Information Assurance to Assure the End Users: Methodologies and Best Practices. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (eIT). :131–138.

The use of software to support the information infrastructure that governments, critical infrastructure providers and businesses worldwide rely on for their daily operations and business processes is gradually becoming unavoidable. Commercial off-the shelf software is widely and increasingly used by these organizations to automate processes with information technology. That notwithstanding, cyber-attacks are becoming stealthier and more sophisticated, which has led to a complex and dynamic risk environment for IT-based operations which users are working to better understand and manage. This has made users become increasingly concerned about the integrity, security and reliability of commercial software. To meet up with these concerns and meet customer requirements, vendors have undertaken significant efforts to reduce vulnerabilities, improve resistance to attack and protect the integrity of the products they sell. These efforts are often referred to as “software assurance.” Software assurance is becoming very important for organizations critical to public safety and economic and national security. These users require a high level of confidence that commercial software is as secure as possible, something only achieved when software is created using best practices for secure software development. Therefore, in this paper, we explore the need for information assurance and its importance for both organizations and end users, methodologies and best practices for software security and information assurance, and we also conducted a survey to understand end users’ opinions on the methodologies researched in this paper and their impact.

ISSN: 2154-0373