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Mainampati, Manasa, Chandrasekaran, Balasubramaniyan.  2021.  Implementation of Human in The Loop on the TurtleBot using Reinforced Learning methods and Robot Operating System (ROS). 2021 IEEE 12th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON). :0448–0452.
In this paper, an implementation of a human in the loop (HITL) technique for robot navigation in an indoor environment is described. The HITL technique is integrated into the reinforcement learning algorithms for mobile robot navigation. Reinforcement algorithms, specifically Q-learning and SARSA, are used combined with HITL since these algorithms are good in exploration and navigation. Turtlebot3 has been used as the robot for validating the algorithms by implementing the system using Robot Operating System and Gazebo. The robot-assisted with human feedback was found to be better in navigation task execution when compared to standard algorithms without using human in the loop. This is a work in progress and the next step of this research is exploring other reinforced learning methods and implementing them on a physical robot.
ISSN: 2644-3163