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Singh, M.P., Manjul, M., Yadav, M..  2014.  Hash based efficient secure routing for network communication. Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), 2014 International Conference on. :881-888.

Mobile ad-hoc networks are a new field in networking because it works as an autonomous network. Application of mobile ad-hoc networks are increasing day by day in recent year now a days. So it important is increasing to provide suitable routing protocol and security from attacker. Mobile ad-hoc network now a days faces many problems such as small bandwidth, energy, security, limited computational and high mobility. The main problem in mobile ad-hoc networks is that wireless networks, Infrastructure wireless networks have larger bandwidth, larger memory, power backup and different routing protocol easily applies. But in case of mobile ad-hoc networks some of these application failed due to mobility and small power backup so it is required such type of routing protocol which is take small energy during the transfer of packet. So we see that still there are many challenging works in mobile ad-hoc networks remained and to research in this area related to routing protocol, security issues, solving energy problem and many more which is feasible to it. Our research most probably will be dedicated to Authentication in mobile ad-hoc network.