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Nema, Tesu, Parsai, M. P..  2022.  Reconstruction of Incomplete Image by Radial Sampling. 2022 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI). :1–4.
Signals get sampled using Nyquist rate in conventional sampling method, but in compressive sensing the signals sampled below Nyquist rate by randomly taking the signal projections and reconstructing it out of very few estimations. But in case of recovering the image by utilizing compressive measurements with the help of multi-resolution grid where the image has certain region of interest (RoI) that is more important than the rest, it is not efficient. The conventional Cartesian sampling cannot give good result in motion image sensing recovery and is limited to stationary image sensing process. The proposed work gives improved results by using Radial sampling (a type of compression sensing). This paper discusses the approach of Radial sampling along with the application of Sparse Fourier Transform algorithms that helps in reducing acquisition cost and input/output overhead.
ISSN: 2329-7190