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Widiyanto, Wahyu Wijaya, Iskandar, Dwi, Wulandari, Sri, Susena, Edy, Susanto, Edy.  2022.  Implementation Security Digital Signature Using Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) Algorithm As A Letter Validation And Distribution Validation System. 2022 International Interdisciplinary Humanitarian Conference for Sustainability (IIHC). :599–605.
A digital signature is a type of asymmetric cryptography that is used to ensure that the recipient receives the actual received message from the intended sender. Problems that often arise conventionally when requiring letter approval from the authorized official, and the letter concerned is very important and urgent, often the process of giving the signature is hampered because the official concerned is not in place. With these obstacles, the letter that should be distributed immediately becomes hampered and takes a long time in terms of signing the letter. The purpose of this study is to overcome eavesdropping and data exchange in sending data using Digital Signature as authentication of data authenticity and minimizing fake signatures on letters that are not made and authorized by relevant officials based on digital signatures stored in the database. This research implements the Rivest Shamir Adleman method. (RSA) as outlined in an application to provide authorization or online signature with Digital Signature. The results of the study The application of the Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) algorithm can run on applications with the Digital Signature method based on ISO 9126 testing by expert examiners, and the questionnaire distributed to users and application operators obtained good results from an average value of 79.81 based on the scale table ISO 9126 conversion, the next recommendation for encryption does not use MD5 but uses Bcrypt secure database to make it stronger.