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Sreeja, C.S., Misbahuddin, Mohammed.  2022.  Anticounterfeiting Method for Drugs Using Synthetic DNA Cryptography. 2022 International Conference on Trends in Quantum Computing and Emerging Business Technologies (TQCEBT). :1—5.
Counterfeited products are a significant problem in both developed and developing countries and has become more critical as an aftermath of COVID-19, exclusively for drugs and medical equipment’s. In this paper, an innovative approach is proposed to resist counterfeiting which is based on the principles of Synthetic DNA. The proposed encryption approach has employed the distinctive features of synthetic DNA in amalgamation with DNA encryption to provide information security and functions as an anticounterfeiting method that ensures usability. The scheme’s security analysis and proof of concept are detailed. Scyther is used to carry out the formal analysis of the scheme, and all of the modeled assertions are verified without any attacks.