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Possibility of the Intruder Type Determination in Systems of Physical Protection of Objects. 2022 Dynamics of Systems, Mechanisms and Machines (Dynamics). :1—5.
2022. This article proposes a method for determining the intruder type in the systems of physical protection of objects. An intruder trying to enter the territory, buildings or premises of the facility has to overcome typical engineering reinforcement elements of building structures. Elements of building structures are equipped with addressable alarm sensors. The intruder type is proposed to be determined according to its equipment by comparing the time of actually overcoming the building structure elements with the expert estimates. The time to overcome the elements of building structures is estimated by the time between successive responses of the security alarm address sensors. The intruder's awareness of the protection object is proposed to be assessed by tracking the route of its movement on the object using address sensors. Determining the intruder type according to the data of the security alarm systems can be used for the in-process tactics control of the security group actions.