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SDN-Based Load Balancing Solution for Deterministic Backbone Networks. 2022 5th International Conference on Hot Information-Centric Networking (HotICN). :119–124.
2022. Traffic in a backbone network has high forwarding rate requirements, and as the network gets larger, traffic increases and forwarding rates decrease. In a Software Defined Network (SDN), the controller can manage a global view of the network and control the forwarding of network traffic. A deterministic network has different forwarding requirements for the traffic of different priority levels. Static traffic load balancing is not flexible enough to meet the needs of users and may lead to the overloading of individual links and even network collapse. In this paper, we propose a new backbone network load balancing architecture - EDQN (Edge Deep Q-learning Network), which implements queue-based gate-shaping algorithms at the edge devices and load balancing of traffic on the backbone links. With the advantages of SDN, the link utilization of the backbone network can be improved, the delay in traffic transmission can be reduced and the throughput of traffic during transmission can be increased.
ISSN: 2831-4395