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Harrison, K., Rutherford, J. R., White, G. B..  2015.  The Honey Community: Use of Combined Organizational Data for Community Protection. 2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. :2288–2297.

The United States has US CYBERCOM to protect the US Military Infrastructure and DHS to protect the nation's critical cyber infrastructure. These organizations deal with wide ranging issues at a national level. This leaves local and state governments to largely fend for themselves in the cyber frontier. This paper will focus on how to determine the threat to a community and what indications and warnings can lead us to suspect an attack is underway. To try and help answer these questions we utilized the concepts of Honey pots and Honey nets and extended them to a multi-organization concept within a geographic boundary to form a Honey Community. The initial phase of the research done in support of this paper was to create a fictitious community with various components to entice would-be attackers and determine if the use of multiple sectors in a community would aid in the determination of an attack.

Rrushi, J.L..  2014.  A Steganographic Approach to Localizing Botmasters. Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA), 2014 28th International Conference on. :852-859.

Law enforcement employs an investigative approach based on marked money bills to track illegal drug dealers. In this paper we discuss research that aims at providing law enforcement with the cyber counterpart of that approach in order to track perpetrators that operate botnets. We have devised a novel steganographic approach that generates a watermark hidden within a honey token, i.e. A decoy Word document. The covert bits that comprise the watermark are carried via secret interpretation of object properties in the honey token. The encoding and decoding of object properties into covert bits follow a scheme based on bijective functions generated via a chaotic logistic map. The watermark is retrievable via a secret cryptographic key, which is generated and held by law enforcement. The honey token is leaked to a botmaster via a honey net. In the paper, we elaborate on possible means by which law enforcement can track the leaked honey token to the IP address of a botmaster's machine.