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Shah, Rajeev Kumar, Hasan, Mohammad Kamrul, Islam, Shayla, Khan, Asif, Ghazal, Taher M., Khan, Ahmad Neyaz.  2022.  Detect Phishing Website by Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making. 2022 1st International Conference on AI in Cybersecurity (ICAIC). :1–8.
Phishing activity is undertaken by the hackers to compromise the computer networks and financial system. A compromised computer system or network provides data and or processing resources to the world of cybercrime. Cybercrimes are projected to cost the world \$6 trillion by 2021, in this context phishing is expected to continue being a growing challenge. Statistics around phishing growth over the last decade support this theory as phishing numbers enjoy almost an exponential growth over the period. Recent reports on the complexity of the phishing show that the fight against phishing URL as a means of building more resilient cyberspace is an evolving challenge. Compounding the problem is the lack of cyber security expertise to handle the expected rise in incidents. Previous research have proposed different methods including neural network, data mining technique, heuristic-based phishing detection technique, machine learning to detect phishing websites. However, recently phishers have started to use more sophisticated techniques to attack the internet users such as VoIP phishing, spear phishing etc. For these modern methods, the traditional ways of phishing detection provide low accuracy. Hence, the requirement arises for the application and development of modern tools and techniques to use as a countermeasure against such phishing attacks. Keeping in view the nature of recent phishing attacks, it is imperative to develop a state-of-the art anti-phishing tool which should be able to predict the phishing attacks before the occurrence of actual phishing incidents. We have designed such a tool that will work efficiently to detect the phishing websites so that a user can understand easily the risk of using of his personal and financial data.
Sanjeetha, R, Shastry, K.N Ajay, Chetan, H.R, Kanavalli, Anita.  2020.  Mitigating HTTP GET FLOOD DDoS Attack Using an SDN Controller. 2020 International Conference on Recent Trends on Electronics, Information, Communication Technology (RTEICT). :6–10.
DDoS attacks are pre-dominant in traditional networks, they are used to bring down the services of important servers in the network, thereby affecting its performance. One such kind of attack is HTTP GET Flood DDoS attack in which a lot of HTTP GET request messages are sent to the victim web server, overwhelming its resources and bringing down its services to the legitimate clients. The solution to such attacks in traditional networks is usually implemented at the servers, but this consumes its resources which could otherwise be used to process genuine client requests. Software Defined Network (SDN) is a new network architecture that helps to deal with these attacks in a different way. In SDN the mitigation can be done using the controller without burdening the server. In this paper, we first show how an HTTP GET Flood DDoS attack can be performed on the webserver in an SDN environment and then propose a solution to mitigate the same with the help of the SDN controller. At the server, the attack is detected by checking the number of requests arriving to the web server for a certain period of time, if the number of request is greater than a particular threshold then the hosts generating such attacks will be blocked for the attack duration.
Zhang, Sheng, Tang, Adrian, Jiang, Zhewei, Sethumadhavan, Simha, Seok, Mingoo.  2018.  Blacklist Core: Machine-Learning Based Dynamic Operating-Performance-Point Blacklisting for Mitigating Power-Management Security Attacks. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design. :5:1-5:6.
Most modern computing devices make available fine-grained control of operating frequency and voltage for power management. These interfaces, as demonstrated by recent attacks, open up a new class of software fault injection attacks that compromise security on commodity devices. CLKSCREW, a recently-published attack that stretches the frequency of devices beyond their operational limits to induce faults, is one such attack. Statically and permanently limiting frequency and voltage modulation space, i.e., guard-banding, could mitigate such attacks but it incurs large performance degradation and long testing time. Instead, in this paper, we propose a run-time technique which dynamically blacklists unsafe operating performance points using a neural-net model. The model is first trained offline in the design time and then subsequently adjusted at run-time by inspecting a selected set of features such as power management control registers, timing-error signals, and core temperature. We designed the algorithm and hardware, titled a BlackList (BL) core, which is capable of detecting and mitigating such power management-based security attack at high accuracy. The BL core incurs a reasonably small amount of overhead in power, delay, and area.
Ruohonen, Jukka, Leppänen, Ville.  2016.  On the Design of a Simple Network Resolver for DNS Mining. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies 2016. :105–112.

The domain name system (DNS) offers an ideal distributed database for big data mining related to different cyber security questions. Besides infrastructural problems, scalability issues, and security challenges related to the protocol itself, information from DNS is often required also for more nuanced cyber security questions. Against this backdrop, this paper discusses the fundamental characteristics of DNS in relation to cyber security and different research prototypes designed for passive but continuous DNS-based monitoring of domains and addresses. With this discussion, the paper also illustrates a few general software design aspects.

Carter, K.M., Idika, N., Streilein, W.W..  2014.  Probabilistic Threat Propagation for Network Security. Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on. 9:1394-1405.

Techniques for network security analysis have historically focused on the actions of the network hosts. Outside of forensic analysis, little has been done to detect or predict malicious or infected nodes strictly based on their association with other known malicious nodes. This methodology is highly prevalent in the graph analytics world, however, and is referred to as community detection. In this paper, we present a method for detecting malicious and infected nodes on both monitored networks and the external Internet. We leverage prior community detection and graphical modeling work by propagating threat probabilities across network nodes, given an initial set of known malicious nodes. We enhance prior work by employing constraints that remove the adverse effect of cyclic propagation that is a byproduct of current methods. We demonstrate the effectiveness of probabilistic threat propagation on the tasks of detecting botnets and malicious web destinations.