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Kumar, P., Srinivasan, R..  2014.  Detection of hardware Trojan in SEA using path delay. Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (SCEECS), 2014 IEEE Students' Conference on. :1-6.

Detecting hardware Trojan is a difficult task in general. The context is that of a fabless design house that sells IP blocks as GDSII hard macros, and wants to check that final products have not been infected by Trojan during the foundry stage. In this paper we analyzed hardware Trojan horses insertion and detection in Scalable Encryption Algorithm (SEA) crypto. We inserted Trojan at different levels in the ASIC design flow of SEA crypto and most importantly we focused on Gate level and layout level Trojan insertions. We choose path delays in order to detect Trojan at both levels in design phase. Because the path delays detection technique is cost effective and efficient method to detect Trojan. The comparison of path delays makes small Trojan circuits significant from a delay point of view. We used typical, fast and slow 90nm libraries in order to estimate the efficiency of path delay technique in different operating conditions. The experiment's results show that the detection rate on payload Trojan is 100%.