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Genç, Yasin, Afacan, Erkan.  2021.  Design and Implementation of an Efficient Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA). 2021 IEEE International IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference (IEMTRONICS). :1—6.
Digital signatures are increasingly used today. It replaces wet signature with the development of technology. Elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) is used in many applications thanks to its security and efficiency. However, some mathematical operations such as inversion operation in modulation slow down the speed of this algorithm. In this study, we propose a more efficient and secure ECDSA. In the proposed method, the inversion operation in modulation of signature generation and signature verification phases is removed. Thus, the efficiency and speed of the ECDSA have been increased without reducing its security. The proposed method is implemented in Python programming language using P-521 elliptic curve and SHA-512 algorithm.
Priyatharsan, U., Rupasinghe, P. L., Murray, I..  2017.  A new elliptic curve cryptographic system over the finite fields. 2017 6th National Conference on Technology and Management (NCTM). :164–169.

Security of the information is the main problem in network communications nowadays. There is no algorithm which ensures the one hundred percent reliability of the transmissions. The current society uses the Internet, to exchange information such as from private images to financial data. The cryptographic systems are the mechanisms developed to protect and hide the information from intruders. However, advancing technology is also used by intruders to breach the security of the systems. Hence, every time cryptosystems developed based on complex Mathematics. Elliptic curve cryptography(ECC) is one of the technique in such kind of cryptosystems. Security of the elliptic curves lies in hardness of solving the discrete logarithms problems. In this research, a new cryptographic system is built by using the elliptic curve cryptography based on square matrices to achieve a secure communication between two parties. First, an invertible matrix is chosen arbitrarily in the the field used in the system. Then, by using the Cayley Hamilton theorem, private key matrices are generated for both parties. Next, public key vectors of the both parties are generated by using the private keys of them and arbitrary points of the given elliptic curve. Diffie Hellman protocol is used to authenticate the key exchange. ElGamal plus Menezes Qu Vanstone encryption protocols are used to encrypt the messages. MATLAB R2015a is used to implement and test the proper functioning of the built cryptosystem.

Nemoianu, I.-D., Greco, C., Cagnazzo, M., Pesquet-Popescu, B..  2014.  On a Hashing-Based Enhancement of Source Separation Algorithms Over Finite Fields With Network Coding Perspectives. Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on. 16:2011-2024.

Blind Source Separation (BSS) deals with the recovery of source signals from a set of observed mixtures, when little or no knowledge of the mixing process is available. BSS can find an application in the context of network coding, where relaying linear combinations of packets maximizes the throughput and increases the loss immunity. By relieving the nodes from the need to send the combination coefficients, the overhead cost is largely reduced. However, the scaling ambiguity of the technique and the quasi-uniformity of compressed media sources makes it unfit, at its present state, for multimedia transmission. In order to open new practical applications for BSS in the context of multimedia transmission, we have recently proposed to use a non-linear encoding to increase the discriminating power of the classical entropy-based separation methods. Here, we propose to append to each source a non-linear message digest, which offers an overhead smaller than a per-symbol encoding and that can be more easily tuned. Our results prove that our algorithm is able to provide high decoding rates for different media types such as image, audio, and video, when the transmitted messages are less than 1.5 kilobytes, which is typically the case in a realistic transmission scenario.