Game theory is appropriate for studying cyber conflict because it allows for an intelligent and goal-driven adversary. Applications of game theory have led to a number of results regarding optimal attack and defense strategies. However, the overwhelming majority of applications explore overly simplistic games, often ones in which each participant's actions are visible to every other participant. These simplifications strip away the fundamental properties of real cyber conflicts: probabilistic alerting, hidden actions, unknown opponent capabilities. In this paper, we demonstrate that it is possible to analyze a more realistic game, one in which different resources have different weaknesses, players have different exploits, and moves occur in secrecy, but they can be detected. Certainly, more advanced and complex games are possible, but the game presented here is more realistic than any other game we know of in the scientific literature. While optimal strategies can be found for simpler games using calculus, case-by-case analysis, or, for stochastic games, Q-learning, our more complex game is more naturally analyzed using the same methods used to study other complex games, such as checkers and chess. We define a simple evaluation function and employ multi-step searches to create strategies. We show that such scenarios can be analyzed, and find that in cases of extreme uncertainty, it is often better to ignore one's opponent's possible moves. Furthermore, we show that a simple evaluation function in a complex game can lead to interesting and nuanced strategies that follow tactics that tend to select moves that are well tuned to the details of the situation and the relative probabilities of success.
Game theory is appropriate for studying cyber conflict because it allows for an intelligent and goal-driven adversary. Applications of game theory have led to a number of results regarding optimal attack and defense strategies. However, the overwhelming majority of applications explore overly simplistic games, often ones in which each participant's actions are visible to every other participant. These simplifications strip away the fundamental properties of real cyber conflicts: probabilistic alerting, hidden actions, unknown opponent capabilities. In this paper, we demonstrate that it is possible to analyze a more realistic game, one in which different resources have different weaknesses, players have different exploits, and moves occur in secrecy, but they can be detected. Certainly, more advanced and complex games are possible, but the game presented here is more realistic than any other game we know of in the scientific literature. While optimal strategies can be found for simpler games using calculus, case-by-case analysis, or, for stochastic games, Q-learning, our more complex game is more naturally analyzed using the same methods used to study other complex games, such as checkers and chess. We define a simple evaluation function and employ multi-step searches to create strategies. We show that such scenarios can be analyzed, and find that in cases of extreme uncertainty, it is often better to ignore one's opponent's possible moves. Furthermore, we show that a simple evaluation function in a complex game can lead to interesting and nuanced strategies that follow tactics that tend to select moves that are well tuned to the details of the situation and the relative probabilities of success.
This study focuses on the spatial context of hacking to networks of Honey-pots. We investigate the relationship between topological positions and geographic positions of victimized computers and system trespassers. We've deployed research Honeypots on the computer networks of two academic institutions, collected information on successful brute force attacks (BFA) and system trespassing events (sessions), and used Social Network Analysis (SNA) techniques, to depict and understand the correlation between spatial attributes (IP addresses) and hacking networks' topology. We mapped and explored hacking patterns and found that geography might set the behavior of the attackers as well as the topology of hacking networks. The contribution of this study stems from the fact that there are no prior studies of geographical influences on the topology of hacking networks and from the unique usage of SNA to investigate hacking activities. Looking ahead, our study can assist policymakers in forming effective policies in the field of cybercrime.
After more than a decade of research, web application security continues to be a challenge and the backend database the most appetizing target. The paper proposes preventing injection attacks against the database management system (DBMS) behind web applications by embedding protections in the DBMS itself. The motivation is twofold. First, the approach of embedding protections in operating systems and applications running on top of them has been effective to protect this software. Second, there is a semantic mismatch between how SQL queries are believed to be executed by the DBMS and how they are actually executed, leading to subtle vulnerabilities in prevention mechanisms. The approach – SEPTIC – was implemented in MySQL and evaluated experimentally with web applications written in PHP and Java/Spring. In the evaluation SEPTIC has shown neither false negatives nor false positives, on the contrary of alternative approaches, causing also a low performance overhead in the order of 2.2%.
With the development of network services and people's privacy requirements continue to increase. On the basis of providing anonymous user communication, it is necessary to protect the anonymity of the server. At the same time, there are many threatening crime messages in the dark network. However, many scholars lack the ability or expertise to conduct research on dark-net threat intelligence. Therefore, this paper designs a framework based on Hadoop is hidden threat intelligence. The framework uses HDFS as the underlying storage system to build a HBase-based distributed database to store and manage threat intelligence information. According to the heterogeneous type of the forum, the web crawler is used to collect data through the anonymous TOR tool. The framework is used to identify the characteristics of key dark network criminal networks, which is the basis for the later dark network research.
The growing popularity of Android and the increasing amount of sensitive data stored in mobile devices have lead to the dissemination of Android ransomware. Ransomware is a class of malware that makes data inaccessible by blocking access to the device or, more frequently, by encrypting the data; to recover the data, the user has to pay a ransom to the attacker. A solution for this problem is to backup the data. Although backup tools are available for Android, these tools may be compromised or blocked by the ransomware itself. This paper presents the design and implementation of RANSOMSAFEDROID, a TrustZone based backup service for mobile devices. RANSOMSAFEDROID is protected from malware by leveraging the ARM TrustZone extension and running in the secure world. It does backup of files periodically to a secure local persistent partition and pushes these backups to external storage to protect them from ransomware. Initially, RANSOMSAFEDROID does a full backup of the device filesystem, then it does incremental backups that save the changes since the last backup. As a proof-of-concept, we implemented a RANSOMSAFEDROID prototype and provide a performance evaluation using an i.MX53 development board.
Modern websites use multiple authentication cookies to allow visitors to the site different levels of access. The complexity of modern web applications can make it difficult for a web application programmer to ensure that the use of authentication cookies does not introduce vulnerabilities. Even when a programmer has access to all of the source code, this analysis can be challenging; the problem becomes even more vexing when web programmers cobble together off-the-shelf libraries to implement authentication. We have assembled a checklist for modern web programmers to verify that the cookie based authentication mechanism is securely implemented. Then, we developed a tool, Newton, to help a web application programmer to identify authentication cookies for specific parts of the website and to verify that they are securely implemented according to the checklist. We used Newton to analyze 149 sites, including the Alexa top-200 and many other popular sites across a range of categories including search, shopping, and finance. We found that 113 of them–-including high-profile sites such as Yahoo, Amazon, and Fidelity–-were vulnerable to hijacking attacks. Many websites have already acknowledged and fixed the vulnerabilities that we found using Newton and reported to them.
In this paper, we propose a hierarchical monitoring intrusion detection system (HAMIDS) for industrial control systems (ICS). The HAMIDS framework detects the anomalies in both level 0 and level 1 of an industrial control plant. In addition, the framework aggregates the cyber-physical process data in one point for further analysis as part of the intrusion detection process. The novelty of this framework is its ability to detect anomalies that have a distributed impact on the cyber-physical process. The performance of the proposed framework evaluated as part of SWaT security showdown (S3) in which six international teams were invited to test the framework in a real industrial control system. The proposed framework outperformed other proposed academic IDS in term of detection of ICS threats during the S3 event, which was held from July 25-29, 2016 at Singapore University of Technology and Design.
With the development of cloud computing the topology properties of data center network are important to the computing resources. Recently a data center network structure - BCCC is proposed, which is recursively built structure with many good properties. and expandability. The Hamiltonian and expandability in data center network structure plays an extremely important role in network communication. This paper described the Hamiltonian and expandability of the expandable data center network for BCCC structure, the important role of Hamiltonian and expandability in network traffic.
In this paper, based on the Hamiltonian, an alternative interpretation about the iterative adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) approach from the perspective of optimization is developed for discrete time nonlinear dynamic systems. The role of the Hamiltonian in iterative ADP is explained. The resulting Hamiltonian driven ADP is able to evaluate the performance with respect to arbitrary admissible policies, compare two different admissible policies and further improve the given admissible policy. The convergence of the Hamiltonian ADP to the optimal policy is proven. Implementation of the Hamiltonian-driven ADP by neural networks is discussed based on the assumption that each iterative policy and value function can be updated exactly. Finally, a simulation is conducted to verify the effectiveness of the presented Hamiltonian-driven ADP.
Malware analysis relies heavily on the use of virtual machines (VMs) for functionality and safety. There are subtle differences in operation between virtual and physical machines. Contemporary malware checks for these differences and changes its behavior when it detects a VM presence. These anti-VM techniques hinder malware analysis. Existing research approaches to uncover differences between VMs and physical machines use randomized testing, and thus cannot guarantee completeness. In this article, we propose a detect-and-hide approach, which systematically addresses anti-VM techniques in malware. First, we propose cardinal pill testing—a modification of red pill testing that aims to enumerate the differences between a given VM and a physical machine through carefully designed tests. Cardinal pill testing finds five times more pills by running 15 times fewer tests than red pill testing. We examine the causes of pills and find that, while the majority of them stem from the failure of VMs to follow CPU specifications, a small number stem from under-specification of certain instructions by the Intel manual. This leads to divergent implementations in different CPU and VM architectures. Cardinal pill testing successfully enumerates the differences that stem from the first cause. Finally, we propose VM Cloak—a WinDbg plug-in which hides the presence of VMs from malware. VM Cloak monitors each execute malware command, detects potential pills, and at runtime modifies the command’s outcomes to match those that a physical machine would generate. We implemented VM Cloak and verified that it successfully hides VM presence from malware.
Data can be stored securely in various storage servers. But in the case of a server failure, or data theft from a certain number of servers, the remaining data becomes inadequate for use. Data is stored securely using secret sharing schemes, so that data can be reconstructed even if some of the servers fail. But not much work has been carried out in the direction of updation of this data. This leads to the problem of updation when two or more concurrent requests arrive and thus, it results in inconsistency. Our work proposes a novel method to store data securely with concurrent update requests using Petri Nets, under the assumption that the number of nodes is very large and the requests for updates are very frequent.
This is an innovative practice full paper. In past projects, we have successfully used a private TOR (anonymity network) platform that enabled our students to explore the end-to-end inner workings of the TOR anonymity network through a number of controlled hands-on lab assignments. These have saisfied the needs of curriculum focusing on networking functions and algorithms. To be able to extend the use and application of the private TOR platform into cryptography courses, there is a desperate need to enhance the platform to allow the development of hands-on lab assignments on the cryptographic algorithms and methods utilized in the creation of TOR secure connections and end-to-end circuits for anonymity.In tackling this challenge, and since TOR is open source software, we identify the cryptographic functions called by the TOR algorithms in the process of establishing TLS connections and creating end-to-end TOR circuits as well tearing them down. We instrumented these functions with the appropriate code to log the cryptographic keys dynamically created at all nodes involved in the creation of the end to end circuit between the Client and the exit relay (connected to the target server).We implemented a set of pedagogical lab assignments on a private TOR platform and present them in this paper. Using these assignments, students are able to investigate and validate the cryptographic procedures applied in the establishment of the initial TLS connection, the creation of the first leg of a TOR circuit, as well as extending the circuit through additional relays (at least two relays). More advanced assignments are created to challenge the students to unwrap the traffic sent from the Client to the exit relay at all onion skin layers and compare it with the actual traffic delivered to the target server.
The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) enables secure transmission of confidential messages. Since its invention, there have been many proposed attacks against the scheme. For example, one can inject errors or faults to acquire the encryption keys. It has been shown that the AES algorithm itself does not provide a protection against these types of attacks. Therefore, additional techniques like error control codes (ECCs) have been proposed to detect active attacks. However, not all the proposed solutions show the adequate efficacy. For instance, linear ECCs have some critical limitations, especially when the injected errors are beyond their fault detection or tolerance capabilities. In this paper, we propose a new method based on a non-linear code to protect all four internal stages of the AES hardware implementation. With this method, the protected AES system is able to (a) detect all multiplicity of errors with a high probability and (b) correct them if the errors follow certain patterns or frequencies. Results shows that the proposed method provides much higher security and reliability to the AES hardware implementation with minimal overhead.
Distributed storage platforms draw much attention due to their high reliability and scalability for handling a massive amount of data. To protect user and data privacy, encryption is considered as a necessary feature for production systems like Storj. But it prohibits the nodes from performing content search. To preserve the functionality, we observe that a protocol of integration with searchable encryption and keyword search via distributed hash table allows the nodes in a network to search over encrypted and distributed data. However, this protocol does not address a practical threat in a fully distributed scenario. Malicious nodes would sabotage search results, and easily infiltrate the system as the network grows. Using primitives such as MAC and verifiable data structure may empower the users to verify the search result, but the robustness of the overall system can hardly be ensured. In this paper, we address this issue by proposing a protocol that is seamlessly incorporated to encrypted search in distributed network to attest and monitor nodes. From the moment a node joins the system, it will be attested and continuously monitored through verifiable search queries. The result of each attestation is determined via a standard quorum-based voting protocol, and then recorded on the blockchain as a consensus view of trusted nodes. Based on the proposed protocols, malicious nodes can be detected and removed by a majority of nodes in a self-determining manner. To demonstrate the security and efficiency, we conduct robustness analysis against several potential attacks, and perform performance and overhead evaluation on the proposed protocol.