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Stauffer, Jake, Zhang, Qingxue.  2021.  s2Cloud: A Novel Cloud System for Mobile Health Big Data Management. 2021 IEEE International Conferences on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing & Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical & Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData) and IEEE Congress on Cybermatics (Cybermatics). :380–383.
The era of big data continues to progress, and many new practices and applications are being advanced. One such application is big data in healthcare. In this application, big data, which includes patient information and measurements, must be transmitted and managed in smart and secure ways. In this study, we propose a novel big data cloud system, s2Cloud, standing for Smart and Secure Cloud. s2Cloud can enable health care systems to improve patient monitoring and help doctors gain crucial insights into their patients' health. This system provides an interactive website that allows doctors to effectively manage patients and patient records. Furthermore, both real-time and historical functions for big data management are supported. These functions provide visualizations of patient measurements and also allow for historic data retrieval so further analysis can be conducted. The security is achieved by protecting access and transmission of data via sign up and log in portals. Overall, the proposed s2Cloud system can effectively manage healthcare big data applications. This study will also help to advance other big data applications such as smart home and smart world big data practices.
Zhang, B., Ye, J., Feng, C., Tang, C..  2017.  S2F: Discover Hard-to-Reach Vulnerabilities by Semi-Symbolic Fuzz Testing. 2017 13th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS). :548–552.
Fuzz testing is a popular program testing technique. However, it is difficult to find hard-to-reach vulnerabilities that are nested with complex branches. In this paper, we propose semi-symbolic fuzz testing to discover hard-to-reach vulnerabilities. Our method groups inputs into high frequency and low frequency ones. Then symbolic execution is utilized to solve only uncovered branches to mitigate the path explosion problem. Especially, in order to play the advantages of fuzz testing, our method locates critical branch for each low frequency input and corrects the generated test cases to comfort the branch condition. We also implemented a prototype\textbackslashtextbarS2F, and the experimental results show that S2F can gain 17.70% coverage performance and discover more hard-to-reach vulnerabilities than other vulnerability detection tools for our benchmark.
Hoang, Thang, Ozkaptan, Ceyhun D., Yavuz, Attila A., Guajardo, Jorge, Nguyen, Tam.  2017.  S3ORAM: A Computation-Efficient and Constant Client Bandwidth Blowup ORAM with Shamir Secret Sharing. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :491–505.

Oblivious Random Access Machine (ORAM) enables a client to access her data without leaking her access patterns. Existing client-efficient ORAMs either achieve O(log N) client-server communication blowup without heavy computation, or O(1) blowup but with expensive homomorphic encryptions. It has been shown that O(log N) bandwidth blowup might not be practical for certain applications, while schemes with O(1) communication blowup incur even more delay due to costly homomorphic operations. In this paper, we propose a new distributed ORAM scheme referred to as Shamir Secret Sharing ORAM (S3ORAM), which achieves O(1) client-server bandwidth blowup and O(1) blocks of client storage without relying on costly partial homomorphic encryptions. S3ORAM harnesses Shamir Secret Sharing, tree-based ORAM structure and a secure multi-party multiplication protocol to eliminate costly homomorphic operations and, therefore, achieves O(1) client-server bandwidth blowup with a high computational efficiency. We conducted comprehensive experiments to assess the performance of S3ORAM and its counterparts on actual cloud environments, and showed that S3ORAM achieves three orders of magnitude lower end-to-end delay compared to alternatives with O(1) client communication blowup (Onion-ORAM), while it is one order of magnitude faster than Path-ORAM for a network with a moderate bandwidth quality. We have released the implementation of S3ORAM for further improvement and adaptation.

Vliegen, Jo, Rabbani, Md Masoom, Conti, Mauro, Mentens, Nele.  2019.  SACHa: Self-Attestation of Configurable Hardware. 2019 Design, Automation Test in Europe Conference Exhibition (DATE). :746–751.
Device attestation is a procedure to verify whether an embedded device is running the intended application code. This way, protection against both physical attacks and remote attacks on the embedded software is aimed for. With the wide adoption of Field-Programmable Gate Arrays or FPGAs, hardware also became configurable, and hence susceptible to attacks (just like software). In addition, an upcoming trend for hardware-based attestation is the use of configurable FPGA hardware. Therefore, in order to attest a whole system that makes use of FPGAs, the status of both the software and the hardware needs to be verified, without the availability of a tamper-resistant hardware module.In this paper, we propose a solution in which a prover core on the FPGA performs an attestation of the entire FPGA, including a self-attestation. This way, the FPGA can be used as a tamper-resistant hardware module to perform hardware-based attestation of a processor, resulting in a protection of the entire hardware/software system against malicious code updates.
Zobaed, Sakib M, Salehi, Mohsen Amini, Buyya, Rajkumar.  2021.  SAED: Edge-Based Intelligence for Privacy-Preserving Enterprise Search on the Cloud. 2021 IEEE/ACM 21st International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid). :366–375.
Cloud-based enterprise search services (e.g., AWS Kendra) have been entrancing big data owners by offering convenient and real-time search solutions to them. However, the problem is that individuals and organizations possessing confidential big data are hesitant to embrace such services due to valid data privacy concerns. In addition, to offer an intelligent search, these services access the user’s search history that further jeopardizes his/her privacy. To overcome the privacy problem, the main idea of this research is to separate the intelligence aspect of the search from its pattern matching aspect. According to this idea, the search intelligence is provided by an on-premises edge tier and the shared cloud tier only serves as an exhaustive pattern matching search utility. We propose Smartness at Edge (SAED mechanism that offers intelligence in the form of semantic and personalized search at the edge tier while maintaining privacy of the search on the cloud tier. At the edge tier, SAED uses a knowledge-based lexical database to expand the query and cover its semantics. SAED personalizes the search via an RNN model that can learn the user’s interest. A word embedding model is used to retrieve documents based on their semantic relevance to the search query. SAED is generic and can be plugged into existing enterprise search systems and enable them to offer intelligent and privacy-preserving search without enforcing any change on them. Evaluation results on two enterprise search systems under real settings and verified by human users demonstrate that SAED can improve the relevancy of the retrieved results by on average ≈24% for plain-text and ≈75% for encrypted generic datasets.
Yao, Jianbo, Yang, Chaoqiong, Zhang, Tao.  2022.  Safe and Effective Elliptic Curve Cryptography Algorithm against Power Analysis. 2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Power, Electronics and Computer Applications (ICPECA). :393–397.
Having high safety and effective computational property, the elliptic curve cryptosystem is very suitable for embedded mobile environment with resource constraints. Power attack is a powerful cipher attack method, it uses leaking information of cipher-chip in its operation process to attack chip cryptographic algorithms. In view of the situation that the power attack on the elliptic curve cryptosystem mainly concentrates on scalar multiplication operation an improved algorithm FWNAF based on RWNAF is proposed. This algorithm utilizes the fragments window technology further improves the utilization ratio of the storage resource and reduces the “jitter phenomenon” in system computing performance caused by the sharp change in system resources.
Yan, Chenyang, Zhang, Yulei, Wang, Hongshuo, Yu, Shaoyang.  2020.  A Safe and Efficient Message Authentication Scheme In The Internet Of Vehicles. 2020 International Conference on Information Science, Parallel and Distributed Systems (ISPDS). :10—13.
In order to realize the security authentication of information transmission between vehicle nodes in the vehicular ad hoc network, based on the certificateless public key cryptosystem and aggregate signature, a privacy-protected certificateless aggregate signature scheme is proposed, which eliminates the complicated certificate maintenance cost. This solution also solves the key escrow problem. By Communicating with surrounding nodes through the pseudonym of the vehicle, the privacy protection of vehicle users is realized. The signature scheme satisfies the unforgeability of an adaptive selective message attack under a random prophetic machine. The scheme meets message authentication, identity privacy protection, resistance to reply attacks.
Huyck, P..  2019.  Safe and Secure Data Fusion — Use of MILS Multicore Architecture to Reduce Cyber Threats. 2019 IEEE/AIAA 38th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC). :1–9.
Data fusion, as a means to improve aircraft and air traffic safety, is a recent focus of some researchers and system developers. Increases in data volume and processing needs necessitate more powerful hardware and more flexible software architectures to satisfy these needs. Such improvements in processed data also mean the overall system becomes more complex and correspondingly, resulting in a potentially significantly larger cyber-attack space. Today's multicore processors are one means of satisfying the increased computational needs of data fusion-based systems. When coupled with a real-time operating system (RTOS) capable of flexible core and application scheduling, large cabinets of (power hungry) single-core processors may be avoided. The functional and assurance capabilities of such an RTOS can be critical elements in providing application isolation, constrained data flows, and restricted hardware access (including covert channel prevention) necessary to reduce the overall cyber-attack space. This paper examines fundamental considerations of a multiple independent levels of security (MILS) architecture when supported by a multicore-based real-time operating system. The paper draws upon assurance activities and functional properties associated with a previous Common Criteria evaluation assurance level (EAL) 6+ / High-Robustness Separation Kernel certification effort and contrast those with activities performed as part of a MILS multicore related project. The paper discusses key characteristics and functional capabilities necessary to achieve overall system security and safety. The paper defines architectural considerations essential for scheduling applications on a multicore processor to reduce security risks. For civil aircraft systems, the paper discusses the applicability of the security assurance and architecture configurations to system providers looking to increase their resilience to cyber threats.
Procter, Sam, Vasserman, Eugene Y., Hatcliff, John.  2017.  SAFE and Secure: Deeply Integrating Security in a New Hazard Analysis. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. :66:1–66:10.

Safety-critical system engineering and traditional safety analyses have for decades been focused on problems caused by natural or accidental phenomena. Security analyses, on the other hand, focus on preventing intentional, malicious acts that reduce system availability, degrade user privacy, or enable unauthorized access. In the context of safety-critical systems, safety and security are intertwined, e.g., injecting malicious control commands may lead to system actuation that causes harm. Despite this intertwining, safety and security concerns have traditionally been designed and analyzed independently of one another, and examined in very different ways. In this work we examine a new hazard analysis technique—Systematic Analysis of Faults and Errors (SAFE)—and its deep integration of safety and security concerns. This is achieved by explicitly incorporating a semantic framework of error "effects" that unifies an adversary model long used in security contexts with a fault/error categorization that aligns with previous approaches to hazard analysis. This categorization enables analysts to separate the immediate, component-level effects of errors from their cause or precise deviation from specification. This paper details SAFE's integrated handling of safety and security through a) a methodology grounded in—and adaptable to—different approaches from the literature, b) explicit documentation of system assumptions which are implicit in other analyses, and c) increasing the tractability of analyzing modern, complex, component-based software-driven systems. We then discuss how SAFE's approach supports the long-term goals of of increased compositionality and formalization of safety/security analysis. 

Agirre, I..  2020.  Safe and secure software updates on high-performance embedded systems. 2020 50th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W). :68—69.

The next generation of dependable embedded systems feature autonomy and higher levels of interconnection. Autonomy is commonly achieved with the support of artificial intelligence algorithms that pose high computing demands on the hardware platform, reaching a high performance scale. This involves a dramatic increase in software and hardware complexity, fact that together with the novelty of the technology, raises serious concerns regarding system dependability. Traditional approaches for certification require to demonstrate that the system will be acceptably safe to operate before it is deployed into service. The nature of autonomous systems, with potentially infinite scenarios, configurations and unanticipated interactions, makes it increasingly difficult to support such claim at design time. In this context, the extended networking technologies can be exploited to collect post-deployment evidence that serve to oversee whether safety assumptions are preserved during operation and to continuously improve the system through regular software updates. These software updates are not only convenient for critical bug fixing but also necessary for keeping the interconnected system resilient against security threats. However, such approach requires a recondition of the traditional certification practices.

Suwandi, Rifki, Wuryandari, Aciek Ida.  2022.  A Safe Approach to Sensitive Dropout Data Collection Systems by Utilizing Homomorphic Encryption. 2022 International Symposium on Information Technology and Digital Innovation (ISITDI). :168—171.
The student's fault is not the only cause of dropping out of school. Often, cases of dropping out of school are only associated with too general problems. However, sensitive issues that can be detrimental to certain parties in this regard, such as the institution's reputation, are usually not made public. To overcome this, an in-depth analysis of these cases is needed for proper handling. Many risks are associated with creating a single repository for this sensitive information. Therefore, some encryption is required to ensure data is not leaked. However, encryption at rest and in transit is insufficient as data leakage is a considerable risk during processing. In addition, there is also a risk of abuse of authority by insiders so that no single entity is allowed to have access to all data. Homomorphic encryption presents a viable solution to this challenge. Data may be aggregated under the security provided by Homomorphic Encryption. This method makes the data available for computation without being decrypted first and without paying the risk of having a single repository.
Khatchadourian, R., Tang, Y., Bagherzadeh, M., Ahmed, S..  2019.  Safe Automated Refactoring for Intelligent Parallelization of Java 8 Streams. 2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). :619-630.

Streaming APIs are becoming more pervasive in mainstream Object-Oriented programming languages. For example, the Stream API introduced in Java 8 allows for functional-like, MapReduce-style operations in processing both finite and infinite data structures. However, using this API efficiently involves subtle considerations like determining when it is best for stream operations to run in parallel, when running operations in parallel can be less efficient, and when it is safe to run in parallel due to possible lambda expression side-effects. In this paper, we present an automated refactoring approach that assists developers in writing efficient stream code in a semantics-preserving fashion. The approach, based on a novel data ordering and typestate analysis, consists of preconditions for automatically determining when it is safe and possibly advantageous to convert sequential streams to parallel and unorder or de-parallelize already parallel streams. The approach was implemented as a plug-in to the Eclipse IDE, uses the WALA and SAFE analysis frameworks, and was evaluated on 11 Java projects consisting of ?642K lines of code. We found that 57 of 157 candidate streams (36.31%) were refactorable, and an average speedup of 3.49 on performance tests was observed. The results indicate that the approach is useful in optimizing stream code to their full potential.

van der Linden, Dirk, Rashid, Awais, Williams, Emma, Warinschi, Bogdan.  2018.  Safe Cryptography for All: Towards Visual Metaphor Driven Cryptography Building Blocks. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Security Awareness from Design to Deployment. :41-44.

In this vision paper, we focus on a key aspect of the modern software developer's potential to write secure software: their (lack of) success in securely using cryptography APIs. In particular, we note that most ongoing research tends to focus on identifying concrete problems software developers experience, and providing workable solutions, but that such solutions still require developers to identify the appropriate API calls to make and, worse, to be familiar with and configure sometimes obscure parameters of such calls. In contrast, we envision identifying and employing targeted visual metaphors to allow developers to simply select the most appropriate cryptographic functionality they need.

Gang Han, Haibo Zeng, Yaping Li, Wenhua Dou.  2014.  SAFE: Security-Aware FlexRay Scheduling Engine. Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition (DATE), 2014. :1-4.

In this paper, we propose SAFE (Security Aware FlexRay scheduling Engine), to provide a problem definition and a design framework for FlexRay static segment schedule to address the new challenge on security. From a high level specification of the application, the architecture and communication middleware are synthesized to satisfy security requirements, in addition to extensibility, costs, and end-to-end latencies. The proposed design process is applied to two industrial case studies consisting of a set of active safety functions and an X-by-wire system respectively.

Sheff, Isaac, Magrino, Tom, Liu, Jed, Myers, Andrew C., van Renesse, Robbert.  2016.  Safe Serializable Secure Scheduling: Transactions and the Trade-Off Between Security and Consistency. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :229–241.

Modern applications often operate on data in multiple administrative domains. In this federated setting, participants may not fully trust each other. These distributed applications use transactions as a core mechanism for ensuring reliability and consistency with persistent data. However, the coordination mechanisms needed for transactions can both leak confidential information and allow unauthorized influence. By implementing a simple attack, we show these side channels can be exploited. However, our focus is on preventing such attacks. We explore secure scheduling of atomic, serializable transactions in a federated setting. While we prove that no protocol can guarantee security and liveness in all settings, we establish conditions for sets of transactions that can safely complete under secure scheduling. Based on these conditions, we introduce \textbackslashti\staged commit\, a secure scheduling protocol for federated transactions. This protocol avoids insecure information channels by dividing transactions into distinct stages. We implement a compiler that statically checks code to ensure it meets our conditions, and a system that schedules these transactions using the staged commit protocol. Experiments on this implementation demonstrate that realistic federated transactions can be scheduled securely, atomically, and efficiently.

Stein, Benno, Clapp, Lazaro, Sridharan, Manu, Chang, Bor-Yuh Evan.  2018.  Safe Stream-Based Programming with Refinement Types. Proceedings of the 33rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering. :565-576.

In stream-based programming, data sources are abstracted as a stream of values that can be manipulated via callback functions. Stream-based programming is exploding in popularity, as it provides a powerful and expressive paradigm for handling asynchronous data sources in interactive software. However, high-level stream abstractions can also make it difficult for developers to reason about control- and data-flow relationships in their programs. This is particularly impactful when asynchronous stream-based code interacts with thread-limited features such as UI frameworks that restrict UI access to a single thread, since the threading behavior of streaming constructs is often non-intuitive and insufficiently documented. In this paper, we present a type-based approach that can statically prove the thread-safety of UI accesses in stream-based software. Our key insight is that the fluent APIs of stream-processing frameworks enable the tracking of threads via type-refinement, making it possible to reason automatically about what thread a piece of code runs on – a difficult problem in general. We implement the system as an annotation-based Java typechecker for Android programs built upon the popular ReactiveX framework and evaluate its efficacy by annotating and analyzing 8 open-source apps, where we find 33 instances of unsafe UI access while incurring an annotation burden of only one annotation per 186 source lines of code. We also report on our experience applying the typechecker to two much larger apps from the Uber Technologies, Inc. codebase, where it currently runs on every code change and blocks changes that introduce potential threading bugs.

Khoukhi, L., Khatoun, R..  2020.  Safe Traffic Adaptation Model in Wireless Mesh Networks. 2020 4th Cyber Security in Networking Conference (CSNet). :1–4.
Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) are dynamically self-organized and self-configured technology ensuring efficient connection to Internet. Such networks suffer from many issues, like lack of performance efficiency when huge amount of traffic are injected inside the networks. To deal with such issues, we propose in this paper an adapted fuzzy framework; by monitoring the rate of change in queue length in addition to the current length of the queue, we are able to provide a measure of future queue state. Furthermore, by using explicit rate messages we can make node sources more responsive to unexpected changes in the network traffic load. The simulation results show the efficiency of the proposed model.
Huang, Shiyou, Guo, Jianmei, Li, Sanhong, Li, Xiang, Qi, Yumin, Chow, Kingsum, Huang, Jeff.  2019.  SafeCheck: Safety Enhancement of Java Unsafe API. 2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). :889–899.

Java is a safe programming language by providing bytecode verification and enforcing memory protection. For instance, programmers cannot directly access the memory but have to use object references. Yet, the Java runtime provides an Unsafe API as a backdoor for the developers to access the low- level system code. Whereas the Unsafe API is designed to be used by the Java core library, a growing community of third-party libraries use it to achieve high performance. The Unsafe API is powerful, but dangerous, which leads to data corruption, resource leaks and difficult-to-diagnose JVM crash if used improperly. In this work, we study the Unsafe crash patterns and propose a memory checker to enforce memory safety, thus avoiding the JVM crash caused by the misuse of the Unsafe API at the bytecode level. We evaluate our technique on real crash cases from the openJDK bug system and real-world applications from AJDK. Our tool reduces the efforts from several days to a few minutes for the developers to diagnose the Unsafe related crashes. We also evaluate the runtime overhead of our tool on projects using intensive Unsafe operations, and the result shows that our tool causes a negligible perturbation to the execution of the applications.

Multari, Nicholas J., Singhal, Anoop, Manz, David O..  2016.  SafeConfig'16: Testing and Evaluation for Active and Resilient Cyber Systems. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :1871–1872.

The premise of this year's SafeConfig Workshop is existing tools and methods for security assessments are necessary but insufficient for scientifically rigorous testing and evaluation of resilient and active cyber systems. The objective for this workshop is the exploration and discussion of scientifically sound testing regimen(s) that will continuously and dynamically probe, attack, and "test" the various resilient and active technologies. This adaptation and change in focus necessitates at the very least modification, and potentially, wholesale new developments to ensure that resilient- and agile-aware security testing is available to the research community. All testing, validation and experimentation must also be repeatable, reproducible, subject to scientific scrutiny, measurable and meaningful to both researchers and practitioners.

Multari, Nicholas J., Singhal, Anoop, Manz, David O., Cowles, Robert, Cuellar, Jorge, Oehmen, Christopher, Shannon, Gregory.  2016.  SafeConfig'16: Testing and Evaluation for Active & Resilient Cyber Systems Panel Verification of Active and Resilient Systems: Practical or Utopian? Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Automated Decision Making for Active Cyber Defense. :53–53.

The premise of the SafeConfig'16 Workshop is existing tools and methods for security assessments are necessary but insufficient for scientifically rigorous testing and evaluation of resilient and active cyber systems. The objective for this workshop is the exploration and discussion of scientifically sound testing regimen(s) that will continuously and dynamically probe, attack, and "test" the various resilient and active technologies. This adaptation and change in focus necessitates at the very least modification, and potentially, wholesale new developments to ensure that resilient- and agile-aware security testing is available to the research community. All testing, validation and experimentation must also be repeatable, reproducible, subject to scientific scrutiny, measurable and meaningful to both researchers and practitioners. The workshop will convene a panel of experts to explore this concept. The topic will be discussed from three different perspectives. One perspective is that of the practitioner. We will explore whether active and resilient technologies are or are planned for deployment and whether the verification methodology affects that decision. The second perspective will be that of the research community. We will address the shortcomings of current approaches and the research directions needed to address the practitioner's concerns. The third perspective is that of the policy community. Specifically, we will explore the dynamics between technology, verification, and policy.

Ahmad, Muhammad Aminu, Woodhead, Steve, Gan, Diane.  2016.  A Safeguard Against Fast Self-propagating Malware. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Communication and Network Security. :65–69.

This paper presents a detection and containment mechanism for fast self-propagating network worm malware. The detection part of the mechanism uses two categories of network host activities to identify worm behaviour in a network. Upon an identified worm activity in a network, a data-link containment system is used to isolate the internal source of infection, and a network level containment system is used to block inbound worm datagrams. The mechanism has been demonstrated using a software prototype. A number of worm experiments have been conducted to evaluate the prototype. The empirical results show the effectiveness of the developed mechanism in containing fast network worm malware at an early stage with almost no false positives.

Hadi, Ahmed Hassan, Abdulshaheed, Sameer Hameed, Wadi, Salim Muhsen.  2022.  Safeguard Algorithm by Conventional Security with DNA Cryptography Method. 2022 Muthanna International Conference on Engineering Science and Technology (MICEST). :195—201.
Encryption defined as change information process (which called plaintext) into an unreadable secret format (which called ciphertext). This ciphertext could not be easily understood by somebody except authorized parson. Decryption is the process to converting ciphertext back into plaintext. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) based information ciphering techniques recently used in large number of encryption algorithms. DNA used as data carrier and the modern biological technology is used as implementation tool. New encryption algorithm based on DNA is proposed in this paper. The suggested approach consists of three steps (conventional, stream cipher and DNA) to get high security levels. The character was replaced by shifting depend character location in conventional step, convert to ASCII and AddRoundKey was used in stream cipher step. The result from second step converted to DNA then applying AddRoundKey with DNA key. The evaluation performance results proved that the proposed algorithm cipher the important data with high security levels.
Zhao, Bing-Qing, Wang, Hui-Ming, Jiang, Jia-Cheng.  2020.  Safeguarding Backscatter RFID Communication against Proactive Eavesdropping. ICC 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). :1–6.
Passive radio frequency identification (RFID) systems raise new transmission secrecy protection challenges against the special proactive eavesdropper, since it is able to both enhance the information wiretap and interfere with the information detection at the RFID reader simultaneously by broadcasting its own continuous wave (CW) signal. To defend against proactive eavesdropping attacks, we propose an artificial noise (AN) aided secure transmission scheme for the RFID reader, which superimposes an AN signal on the CW signal to confuse the proactive eavesdropper. The power allocation between the AN signal and the CW signal are optimized to maximize the secrecy rate. Furthermore, we model the attack and defense process between the proactive eavesdropper and the RFID reader as a hierarchical security game, and prove it can achieve the equilibrium. Simulation results show the superiority of our proposed scheme in terms of the secrecy rate and the interactions between the RFID reader and the proactive eavesdropper.
Jansen, Rob, Johnson, Aaron.  2016.  Safely Measuring Tor. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :1553–1567.

Tor is a popular network for anonymous communication. The usage and operation of Tor is not well-understood, however, because its privacy goals make common measurement approaches ineffective or risky. We present PrivCount, a system for measuring the Tor network designed with user privacy as a primary goal. PrivCount securely aggregates measurements across Tor relays and over time to produce differentially private outputs. PrivCount improves on prior approaches by enabling flexible exploration of many diverse kinds of Tor measurements while maintaining accuracy and privacy for each. We use PrivCount to perform a measurement study of Tor of sufficient breadth and depth to inform accurate models of Tor users and traffic. Our results indicate that Tor has 710,000 users connected but only 550,000 active at a given time, that Web traffic now constitutes 91% of data bytes on Tor, and that the strictness of relays' connection policies significantly affects the type of application data they forward.

Hongbin, Z., Wei, W., Wengdong, S..  2020.  Safety and Damage Assessment Method of Transmission Line Tower in Goaf Based on Artificial Intelligence. 2020 IEEE/IAS Industrial and Commercial Power System Asia (I CPS Asia). :1474—1479.
The transmission line tower is affected by the surface subsidence in the mined out area of coal mine, which will appear the phenomenon of subsidence, inclination and even tower collapse, threatening the operation safety of the transmission line tower in the mined out area. Therefore, a Safety and Damage Assessment Method of Transmission Line Tower in Goaf Based on Artificial Intelligence is proposed. Firstly, the geometric model of the coal seam in the goaf and the structural reliability model of the transmission line tower are constructed to evaluate the safety. Then, the random forest algorithm in artificial intelligence is used to evaluate the damage of the tower, so as to take protective measures in time. Finally, a finite element simulation model of tower foundation interaction is built, and its safety (force) and damage identification are experimentally analyzed. The results show that the proposed method can ensure high accuracy of damage assessment and reliable judgment of transmission line tower safety within the allowable error.