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'''Script for running drivetrain benchmark for hylaa in ARCHCOMP 2018'''

# make sure hybridpy is on your PYTHONPATH: hyst/src/hybridpy
import hybridpy.hypy as hypy

def main():
'''main entry point'''

runtimes = []
safes = []
thetas = [2, 12, 22]
scales = [1.0, 0.3]

for theta in thetas:
for scale_init in scales:
runtime, safe = run_drivetrain(theta, scale_init)

print "Runtime: {}".format(runtime)

# print result summary
index = 0

for theta in thetas:
for scale_init in scales:
print "Theta = {}, Scale_init = {}, Safe={}, Runtime = {}".format(
theta, scale_init, safes[index], runtimes[index])
index += 1

def run_drivetrain(theta, scale_init=1.0):
'generate a drivetrain benchmark instance, run it and return the runtime'

title = "Drivetrain (Theta={}, InitScale={})".format(theta, scale_init)
output_path = "hylaa_drivetrain_theta{}_initscale{}.py".format(theta, scale_init)
gen_param = '-theta {} -init_scale {} -reverse_errors -switch_time 0.20001'.format(theta, scale_init)

e = hypy.Engine('hylaa')
e.set_generator('drivetrain', gen_param)

e.add_pass("sub_constants", "")
e.add_pass("simplify", "-p")

print 'Running ' + title
res =, parse_output=True)
print 'Finished ' + title

if res['code'] != hypy.Engine.SUCCESS:
raise RuntimeError('Error generating ' + title + ': ' + str(res['code']))

runtime = res['tool_time']
safe = res['output']['safe']

return runtime, safe

if __name__ == '__main__':