Visible to the public 2018 ACM SIGAI Student Essay Contest on Artificial Intelligence TechnologiesConflict Detection Enabled

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Win one of several $500 monetary prizes or a Skype conversation with a leading AI researcher, including Joanna Bryson, Murray Campbell, Eric Horvitz, Peter Norvig, Iyad Rahwan, Francesca Rossi, or Toby Walsh.

The ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence (ACM SIGAI) supports the development and responsible application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. We therefore invite essay submissions to the 2018 ACM SIGAI Student Essay Contest, to be published in the ACM SIGAI newsletter "AI Matters," addressing one or both of the following topic areas:

  1. What requirements, if any, should be imposed on AI systems and technology when interacting with humans who may or may not know that they are interacting with a machine?
  2. What requirements, if any, should be imposed on AI systems and technology when making decisions that directly affect humans?

The deadline for submissions is January 10th, 2019.

For details, please see