The 24th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
ASPLOS is the premier forum for multidisciplinary systems research spanning computer architecture and hardware, programming languages and compilers, operating systems and networking. The ASPLOS 2019 will be held in Providence, Rhode Island, a city rich in colonial history and interesting architecture, and home to Brown University and the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD).
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Existing and emerging platforms at all scales, from embedded to cloud
- Internet services, cloud computing, and datacenters
- Multicore architectures and systems
- Heterogeneous architectures and accelerators
- Systems for enabling parallelism at an extreme scale
- Programming models, languages, and compilation for all platforms
- Managing, storing, and computing on big data
- Virtualization and virtualized systems
- Memory and storage technologies and architectures
- Power, energy, and thermal management
- Security, reliability, and availability
- Verification and testing, and their impact on design
- Support for approximations and approximate computing
- Non-traditional computing systems