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CPS Design Group

A Ball Goes to School Our Experiences from a Cyber Physical Systems Design Experiment
Steffen Peter, Frank Vahid, Daniel Gajski, and Tony Givargis

Develop an educational program to teach CPS design to graduate Computer Science students. Improve understanding of CPS design and sharpen attention in crafting solutions by teaching: -  Typical design flows for CPS design -  Importance of models and their limitations -  Introduction to state-ofthe art simulation and modeling tools Apply small examples, that are: -  Easy to understand -  Possible to design and evaluate using a variety of tools and methodologies -  Is implementable in the lab

The Falling Ball Example
-  A camera should take a picture of a falling ball that is dropped from a variable height. -  Sensors mounted above the camera detect the ball. -  A program in the cyber part of the system estimates
  the approaching time. Benefits: -  Easily understood -  Need for precise timing -  Physical process needing mathematical modeling -  No perfect precision in cyber part -  Can be build in the lab


Modeling and Implementation
-  Students modeled or implemented the system applying a range of tools (one per student) -  Progress, advantages and problems of the selected tools are discussed in the group




Lab implementation running on Raspberry Pie board


//====================================================== // Name : ball.cpp //====================================================== #include <iostream> #include "ball.h" Ball::Ball(sc_module_name name): sc_module(name) { time_us = 0; g_force = 0.0000000098; physical_clk
  SC_METHOD(position_update); dont_initialize(); Controller
  sensitive << clk.pos(); Module

Height [m]




void Ball::position_update() { position = 0.5 * g_force * time_us * time_us; //cout << "position:" << position << endl; //cout << "time: " << sc_time_stamp() << endl; time_us++; } Time [s]



Conclusions: -  The Falling Ball example is a suitable use case to teach Discovered and discussed challenges: CPS design -  Math and modeling the physical system -  Simplicity of the example allows students to focus on the
  -  Separation of physical and cyber part actual CPS design challenges
  four weeks (10h/week) students learned how to use -  Design methodologies of graphical design tools -  In -  Selection of an appropriate Model of Computation tools, model the system, run simulations, test the system -  Zeno behavior and simulation time resolution and evaluate the results issues -  Discovered design challenges are good support for lecture Project Contact: Steffen Peter ( Web: Funded by: National Science Foundation