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An Interdisciplinary Controls Curriculum for CPS Education
Patrick J. Martin <>, York College of Pennsylvania First Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Education
CPS and Classical Control
• Typical undergraduate controls courses focus on the “analog.” • CPS requires control engineers to know more about cyber systems. – discrete events – real-time systems – network connections How do we prepare control engineers for interdisciplinary CPS work?

Targeted Learning Outcomes
Students will develop... • an ability to apply mathematical models of physical systems, cyber systems, and their composition • an ability to design and conduct simulations and tests of a cyber-physical system and to analyze the results • an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems that have both cyber and physical aspects • a recognition for the need for, and ability to engage in life-long learning.

Project: Multi-agent Solar Farm
Students apply knowledge of the physical and cyber systems within a project. Some challenges encountered by students include: • adapting physical models to real systems • sensor selection • communication among agents • control algorithm development Implementation tools:

Teach modern control theory with CPS topics embedded within the curriculum: • • • • State-space control Hybrid systems Computation models Real-time systems

Curriculum Design
Develop intuition using state-space modeling and experiential learning for cyber-topics. Foundations in state-space control
• state-space models • state feedback and observers • LQR and Kalman Filters

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Curriculum Challenges
Mechanical and electrical engineers have basic programming skills. Potential risk of student cognitive overload. No single textbook that merges course ideas seamlessly.

Cyber-system Modeling and Implementation
• hybrid system modeling • concurrency models • implementation on real-time systems Quanser SRV02

Course Reflections
• Students need in-class activities for CPS topics. • Current structure feels somewhat compressed. • Project teams need to balance size and student exposure to topics. Looking Forward • Interleave CPS topics with initial control topics. • Smaller-scale projects that focus on select CPS topics. • Investigate revision of YCP Controls sequence.

Project-based Learning
• research in CPS topics • hands-on activity to build intuition • student directed learning