Health Care

Applications of CPS technologies used in health care.

Visible to the public Mathematical, Computational, and Perceptual Foundations for Interactive Cyber-­‐Physical Systems: Year One


The objective of this research is to create interfaces that enable people with impaired sensory--motor function to control interactive cyber--physical systems such as artificial limbs, wheelchairs, automobiles, and aircraft. The approach is based on the premise that performance can be significantly enhanced merely by warping the perceptual feedback provided to the human user. A systematic way to design this feedback will be developed by addressing a number of underlying mathematical and computational challenges.


Visible to the public 2014 NSF CPS Reference Architectures Workshop

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2014 NSF CPS Reference Architectures Workshop

The Cyber Physical Systems Virtual Organization (CPS-VO) will be conducting a one day workshop on CPS Reference Architectures. The workshop will be held at NSF on 26 March.

Topics will include: