Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 03/24/2016 - 4:02pm
The 42nd Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2016)
IECON 2016 is the 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, focusing on industrial and manufacturing theory and applications of electronics, controls, communications, instrumentation and computational intelligence.
Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 03/24/2016 - 3:52pm
4th Workshop on Virtual Prototyping of Parallel and Embedded Systems (ViPES'2016)
The 4th Workshop on Virtual Prototyping of Parallel and Embedded Systems (ViPES 2016) will be held at Samos Island, Greece on July 17th, 2016. ViPES 2016 is co-located with the International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS). Virtual prototyping stands for the development of hardware/software systems without using a real hardware prototype, i.e.
CPS Summit 2016 Vienna, Austria | April 10, 2016 | Co-located with CPS Week 2016
The goal of the CPS Summit workshop is to concretize results of the first CPS Summit workshop in Seattle on identifying opportunities for intensifying the collaboration on CPS research and development between North America and Europe; we will work towards the following results: