

Visible to the public Identification of Human Feedforward Control in a Cyber Grasp and Twist Task


When mechanical linkages are replaced by electronic communication and control systems, certain undesirable phenomena can arise that may be difficult to anticipate. In simple cases the lack of dissipativity in the cyber link unmasks instabilities that were present but suppressed in the system with a mechanical (physical) link. In more complex cases, there may be no simple physical equivalent to the system containing the cyber link, and a damping coefficient or dissipative element may not be identifiable.


Visible to the public An Architectural Approach to Heterogeneous Modeling and Verification of CPS


Current methods for design and verification of cyber-physical systems (CPS) lack a unifying framework due to the complexity and heterogeneity of the constituent elements and their interactions. Heterogeneous models describe different aspects of a CPS at varying levels of abstraction and using different formal languages. This prevents engineers from detecting inconsistencies among models and reasoning at the system level to verify specifications at design time.


Visible to the public Assuring the Safety, Security and Reliability of Medical Device Cyber Physical Systems


Recent years have seen medical devices go from being monolithic to a collection of integrated systems. Modern medical device systems have thus become a distinct class of cyber-physical systems called Medical Cyber Physical Systems (MCPS), featuring complex and close interaction of sophisticated treatment algorithms with the physical aspects of the system, and especially the patient whose safety is of the utmost concern. The goal of this project is to develop a new paradigm for the design and implementation of safe, secure, and reliable MCPS, which includes:


Visible to the public Bringing the Multicore Revolution to Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems


Multicore platforms have the potential of revolutionizing the capabilities of embedded cyber-physical systems but lack predictability in execution time due to shared resources. Safety-critical systems require such predictability for certification. This research aims at resolving this multicore "predictability problem.'' It will develop methods that enable to share hardware resources to be allocated and provide predictability, including support for real-time operating systems, middleware, and associated analysis tools.


Visible to the public Thermal-Aware Management of Cyber-Physical Systems


Processors in cyber-physical systems are increasingly being used in applications where they must operate in harsh ambient conditions and a computational workload which can lead to high chip temperatures. Examples include cars, robots, aircraft and spacecraft. High operating temperatures accelerate the aging of the chips, thus increasing transient and permanent failure rates. Current ways to deal with this mostly turn off the processor core or drastically slow it down when some part of it is seen to exceed a given temperature threshold.


Visible to the public Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis in a Network of Embedded Systems in Automotive Vehicles


The relentless competition among automotive companies and increasing demands from customers for driver assistance functions and dynamically-controlled safety systems in vehicles are creating mounting time-to-market pressures and, consequently, shortened development times. With the increased vehicle complexity and shortened development times, guaranteeing hardware-software integrity and, hence, vehicle performance has become a salient issue.


Visible to the public Mutually Stabilized Correction in Physical Demonstration


How much should a person be allowed to interact with a controlled machine? If that machine is easily destabilized, and if the controller operating it is essential to its operation, the answer may be that the person should not be allowed any control authority at all. Using a combination of techniques coming from machine learning, optimal control, and formal verification, the proposed work focuses on a computable notion of trust that allows the embedded system to assess the safety of instruction.


Visible to the public Epidemic Spread in Networks


We consider the spread of an epidemic over a network using the SIS (susceptible-infected-susceptible) model where healthy nodes are susceptible and can be randomly and independently infected by their infected neighbors, and where infected nodes can randomly recover with a certain probability per unit time, independent of the state of their neighbors. In a network with n nodes, this yields a Markov chain with 2n states.


Visible to the public FORCES Overview - Shankar Sastry


Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are being increasingly deployed in critical infrastructures such as electric- power, water, transportation, and other networks. These deployments are facilitating real-time monitoring and control by exploiting the advances in wireless sensor-actuator networks, the internet of "everything", data-driven analytics, and machine-to-machine interfaces. CPS operations depend on the synergy of com- putational and physical components. In addition, in many cases, CPS also interact with human decision makers.