
Visible to the public Geo-Temporal Characterization of Security Threats

Cyber security is a global phenomenon. For example, recent socially-engineered attacks that target CEOs of global corporations appear to be instigated by the Chinese group dubbed the "comment crew." In their 2011 survey Symantec found that the number one cyber risk business concern was external cyber-attacks, followed by concerns about both unintentional insider error (2nd risk) and intentional insider error ( 3rd risk).


Visible to the public Race Vulnerability Study and Hybrid Race Detection

The prevalence of multi-core systems has resulted in increasingly common concurrency faults, challenging computer systems' reliability and security. Races, including low-level data races and high-level atomicity violations, are one of the most common concurrency faults. Races impair not only the correctness of programs, but may also threaten system security in a variety of ways. It is therefore critical to efficiently and precisely detect races in order to defend against attacks.


Visible to the public Composability of Big Data and Algorithms for Social Networks Analysis Metrics

Applying social network analysis to Social Media data supports better assessment of cyber-security threats by analyzing underground Social Media activities, dynamics between cyber-criminals, and topologies of dark networks. However, Social Media data are big and state of the art algorithms for social network analysis metrics require >=O(n + m) space and run in >=O(nm) time - some in O(n^2) or O(n^3) - with n = number of nodes, m = number of edges.


Visible to the public Trust from Explicit Evidence; Integrating Digital Signatures and Formal Proofs



Frank Pfenning


Visible to the public Using Crowdsourcing to analyze and Summarize the Security of Mobile Applications



Norman Sadeh


Visible to the public Systematic Testing of Distributed and Multi-Threaded Systems at Scale



Garth Gibson


Visible to the public USE: User Security Behavior

Our ability to design appropriate information security mechanisms and sound security policies depends on our understanding of how end-users actually behave. To improve this understanding, we will establish a large panel of end-users whose complete online behavior will be captured, monitored, and analyzed over an extended period of time.


Visible to the public Architecture-based Self Securing Systems

An important emerging trend in the engineering of complex software-based systems is the ability to incorporate self-adaptive capabilities. Such systems typically include a set of monitoring mechanisms that allow a control layer to observe the running behavior of a target system and its environment, and then repair the system when problems are detected.


Visible to the public Learned Resiliency: Secure Multi-Level Systems

The objective of this project is to develop a theory of system resiliency for complex adaptive socio-technical systems. A secondary objective is to develop the modeling framework and associated metrics for examining the resiliency of complex socio-technical systems in the face of various cyber and non-cyber attacks, such that the methodology can be used to support both basic level simulation


Visible to the public Security Reasoning for Distributed Systems with Uncertainties

Phenomena like Stuxnet make apparent to the public what experts knew long ago: security is not an isolated question of securing a single door against lockpicking or securing a single computer against a single hacker trying to gain access via a single network activity. Because the strength of a security system is determined by its weakest link, security is much more holistic and affects more and more elements of a system design.