Real-time Systems

Systems able to process data as it comes in, typically without buffering delays.

Visible to the public Context-dependent control of smart artificial hands through enhanced touch perception and mechatronic reflexes


One grand challenge facing the nascent field of cyber-physical systems is the human-machine interface. Complex systems such as teleoperated space robots, telesurgery robots, and wheel-chair mounted assistive robots involve various levels of human intervention and proximity of the human operator to the artificial system.


Visible to the public Assuring the Safety, Security and Reliability of Medical Device Cyber Physical Systems


Recent years have seen medical devices go from being monolithic to a collection of integrated systems. Modern medical device systems have thus become a distinct class of cyber-physical systems called Medical Cyber Physical Systems (MCPS), featuring complex and close interaction of sophisticated treatment algorithms with the physical aspects of the system, and especially the patient whose safety is of the utmost concern. The goal of this project is to develop a new paradigm for the design and implementation of safe, secure, and reliable MCPS, which includes:


Visible to the public A Cross-Layer Approach to Taming Cyber-Physical Uncertainties in Vehicular Wireless Networking and Platoon Control


Transforming the traditional, single-vehicle-based safety and efficiency control, next-generation vehicles are expected to form platoons for optimizing roadway usage and fuel efficiency while ensuring transportation safety. Two basic enablers of vehicle platooning are vehicular wireless networking and platoon control.


Visible to the public Efficient Control Synthesis and Learning in Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems


Scientific challenges: How can multiple cooperative cyber-physical systems communicate and coor- dinate to accomplish complex high-level tasks within unknown, dynamic and adversarial environments?


Visible to the public Towards Neural-controlled Artificial Legs using High-Performance Embedded Computers


The objective of this study is to develop a high-performance and robust neural-machine interface (NMI) for artificial legs, which can accurately and reliably identify user intent in real-time.