Designing and managing complex engineering projects over their life cycles.
The project pursues two major goals addressing the verification of cyber-physical systems. Firstly, one goal of this project is to develop theory, practice, and applications of verification techniques for distributed hybrid systems with flexible system structures that can change by reconfiguring the system.
This research proposal focuses on event--based information acquisition, state estimation and control in the context of high dimensional cyber physical systems. In particular, as part of the cyber system a (set of) decision maker(s) or agents is responsible for the acquisition of information, learning, and control about the underlying physical system of interest. The information acquisition process may be instigated or adapted based on events in the systems.
The present day technology falls short in offering centimeter scale mobile robots that can function effectively under unknown and dynamic environmental conditions. Insects, on the other hand, exhibit an unmatched ability to navigate through a wide variety of environments and overcome perturbations by successfully maintaining control and stability.
This cross-disciplinary project brings together a team of engineering and computer science researchers to create, validate, and demonstrate the value of new techniques for ensuring that systems composed of combinations of hardware, software, and people are designed to operate in a truly synergistic and safe fashion.
Ongoing breakthroughs in nationally important research areas like Verification and Artificial Intelligence depend on continuing advances in high-performance automated theorem proving tools. The typical use of these tools is as backends: application problems are translated by an application tool into (typically very large and complex) logic formulas, which are then handed off to a logic solver. Different tradeoffs between linguistic expressiveness and the difficulty of solving the resulting problems give rise to different logics.