

Visible to the public 2014 NSF Workshop for Aspiring PIs in Cyber-Physical Systems

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This group is explicitly for a Workshop proposed for mid-February in the DC area.

This invitation-only workshop took place over February 18-19, 2014. Invitations were issued to researchers with interests and potential impact in Cyber-Physical Systems, with a special emphasis on participation by early career researchers, based on their responses to the call for participation. The goal of the workshop is to help aspiring PIs understand what NSF (and importantly, the panels convened by NSF) are expecting to see in a successful CPS proposal.


Visible to the public First Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Education (CPS-Ed 2013)

CPS-Ed 2013, April 8th, 2013, Philidelphia, PA (part of CPSWeek 2013)

Visible to the public 2012 CPS Curriculum/Education Workshop Planning Meeting

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This group is for planning the CPS Curriculum/Education Workshop. The planning meeting will be held in Baltimore on October 24. T

This group is for planning the CPS Curriculum/Education Workshop on April 8, 2013 during CPSWeek in Philadelphia.


Visible to the public Vanderbilt ISIS Internship Program

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Welcome to the VU-ISIS Internship Site

Visible to the public Education

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Promotes and develops Education and Professional Development issues for the CPS community

The Education Group has as its goal the wide dissemination of educational materials for CPS. This includes course outlines, modules inserted into other courses, as well as new degree programs developed and integration into K-12.