SaTC PI Meeting 2012


Visible to the public Psychological Attacks and Mitigations


Our research addresses the problem of people not being prudent in disclosing personal information. The findings show that "psychological attacks" can induce people to provide more information than they prefer. We also show that warnings can be effective as countermeasures to psychological attacks.


Visible to the public Foundations for Future On-chip Fingerprints


A physical unclonable function is a one-way function with a mapping determined by uncontrolled, but static, variations of a physical object. A PUF can be used for storage-less cryptographic key generation and authentication. The challenges of engineering a PUF is to make it stable, unique, unclonable, unpredictable and one-way.

This poster describes several recent results in this project, including a microprocessor-based PUF, a method to analyze aging effects in PUFs, and a public database to store PUF data for evaluation.