A verification benchmark is a model together with a list of properties to be checked on the model.
Submitted by stanleybak on Wed, 04/22/2020 - 10:43am
The Heat3D benchmark is a spatially discretized version of the heat equation partial differential equation (PDE) in three dimensions. One way to analyze PDEs is to discretize space in a mesh resulting in a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs), where each variable in the system is a mesh point. Depending on the granularity of discretization, you can adjust the number of variables in the ODE system. This system has no switching or inputs, and serves to evaluate one aspect of scalability, namely the number of system dimensions.
Submitted by kochdumper on Mon, 04/30/2018 - 9:05am
Dear all,
my name is Niklas Kochdumper and I am a Phd student of Matthias Althoff. We computed the reachable set for the nonlinear spacecraft rendezvous with CORA and wanted to share our results: