Submitted by Daniel Wolf on Sun, 10/12/2014 - 3:30pm
Submitted by Daniel Wolf on Sun, 10/12/2014 - 3:27pm
![Router Systems Security](/sites/default/files/u1394/SoS_RouterSystemsSecurity4.jpg)
Routers are among the most ubiquitous electronic devices in use. Basic security from protocols and encryption can be readily achieved, but routing has many leaks. The articles cited here look at route leaks, stack protection, and mobile platforms using Tor, iOS and Android OS. They were published in the first half of 2014.
Submitted by Daniel Wolf on Sun, 10/12/2014 - 3:24pm
Digital steganography is one of the primary areas or science of security research. Detection and countermeasures are the topics pursued. The articles cited here were presented between January ad August of 2014. They cover a range of topics, including Least Significant Bit (LSB), LDPC codes, combinations with DES encryption, and Hamming code.
Submitted by Daniel Wolf on Mon, 10/06/2014 - 3:46pm
![Lightweight Cryptography](/sites/default/files/u1394/SoS_LightWeightCiphers4.jpg)
Lightweight cryptography is a major research direction. The release of SIMON in June 2013 has generated significant interest and a number of studies evaluating and comparing it to other cipher algorithms. The articles cited here are the first results of these studies and were presented in the first half of 2014. In addition, articles on other lightweight ciphers are included from the same period.
Submitted by Daniel Wolf on Mon, 10/06/2014 - 3:27pm
![Insider Threat](/sites/default/files/u1394/SoS_InsiderThreat4.jpg)
The insider threat continues to grow and the need to develop technical solutions to the problem grows as well. But through August of 2014, there has been little original scholarship written about research being conducted in this important area. The half dozen articles cited here are all of the works found in academic literature for the year.
Submitted by Daniel Wolf on Mon, 10/06/2014 - 10:45am
![Information Assurance](/sites/default/files/u1394/SoS_InformationAssurance4.jpg)
The term "information Assurance" was adopted in the late 1990's to cover what is often now referred to generically as "cybersecurity." Many still use the phrase, particularly in the U.S. government, both for teaching and research. Since it is a rather generic phrase, there is a wide area of coverage under this topic. The articles cited here, from the January to September of 2014, cover topics related both to technology and pedagogy.
Submitted by Daniel Wolf on Mon, 10/06/2014 - 10:27am
![Efficient Encryption](/sites/default/files/u1394/SoS_EfficientEncryption4.jpg)
The term "efficient encryption" generally refers to the speed of an algorithm, that is, the time needed to complete the calculations to encrypt or decrypt a coded text. The research cited here shows a broader concept and looks at both hardware and software. Several of these works also address power consumption. The works cited here appeared from January to August of 2014.
Submitted by Daniel Wolf on Mon, 10/06/2014 - 10:24am
![Digital Signatures](/sites/default/files/u1394/SoS_DigitalSignatures4.jpg)
Digital signatures are a common method of demonstrating the authenticity of a message. But such signatures can, of course, be forged. Research into digital signatures cited here has looked at digital signatures in the context of the Internet of Things, the elliptic curve digital signature algorithm, a hardware quantum based algorithm, and the use of DNA cryptography. These papers were presented or published between January andAugust of 2014.
Submitted by Daniel Wolf on Mon, 10/06/2014 - 10:22am
Minimizing privacy risk is one of the major problems attendant on the development of social media and hand-held smart phone technologies. K-anonymity is one main method for anonymizing data. Many of the articles cited here focus on k-anonymity to ensure privacy. Others look at elliptic keys and privacy enhancing techniques more generally. These articles were presented between January and September, 2014.
Submitted by pmuangrat on Mon, 09/29/2014 - 12:21pm
![NCSU Publications](/sites/default/files/u1394/SoS_Lablet_NCSU_Reports.jpg)
These publications were done for the Lablet activities at this school, and were listed in the Quarterly Reports back to the government. Please direct any comments to research (at) if there are any questions or concerns regarding these publications.