Visible to the public 2015 CPS Community Forum (at CPS Week 2015)

CPS Community Forum

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

8:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Room TCC/LL2

(The Conference Center at the Washington State Convention Center/Seattle, WA)

The 2015 CPS Community Forum at CPS Week 2015 was held on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at the Convention Center of the Washington State Convention Center in room TCC/LL2 at 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Background and Program:

Within the past five years, the CPS Program, largely through NSF's guidance, has experienced significant progress in advancing innovative technology in an array of domains, including agriculture, energy, manufacturing, medical, security, and transportation, to name a few. Over the next five years, we envision the need for increased fundamental CPS research to address the growth in global demand for innovation in these and new domains. The importance of fundamental CPS research has rapidly expanded from that of a national government programmatic interest, to that of state and municipal government interests, as well as to a growing interest to the commercial world. For example, NIST's CPS Public Working Groups and the Industrial Internet Consortium, are recent developments underscoring the importance of government and industry moves to help accelerate the growth of innovative CPS technologies into the industrial economy as well as to influence the consolidation of best practice standards for these technologies.

Thus, the CPS Community Forum is a community organized event that provides an open environment for all CPS Week participants to learn about and engage in discussion on current and future government initiatives and growing innovative community collaborations impacting the CPS Program.

Topics to be covered at this years' Forum included:

  • An overview of the CPS program and its emerging impact in computer science and engineering. Summary of the current status of the CPS initiative and the plans for the future
  • An overview of the work and progress in the NIST CPS Public Working Groups laying the foundation for future standardization activities
  • NSF Cloud Platform
  • An overview of the Industrial Internet Consortium, the current status of the accepted testbeds, and the role academic and research organizations can play in it
  • A status report on the CPS-VO


The forum was open to all CPS Week 2015 attendees.


David Corman (NSF)
Janos Sztipanovits (Vanderbilt)

Workshop Date:

Tuesday, April 14, 2015