Education in Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace
SaTC supports a variety of educational, workforce training, and development projects through their Education (EDU) funding, which focuses specifically on cybersecurity education. In particular, workforce development is one of the six critical aspects outlined by the Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Strategic Plan (RDSP) for cybersecurity research and development. SaTC educational projects include, but are not limited to increasing cyber-safety awareness, learning, and skills among middle school students; improving security and privacy education in computing curriculums through learning modules and student evaluation; the development of hands-on learning materials for privacy protection; a workshops on education and cyber-physical systems security; and travel grants to participate in IEEE, ACM, and other conferences.
SaTC is a participating program in NSF's effort to broaden participation as outlined in a 2017 "Dear Colleague" letter. This initiative seeks to increase participation and awareness of computing at all educational levels and in underrepresented communities.