CfP: Workshop on Computation-Aware Algorithmic Design for Cyber-Physical Systems (CAADCPS 2021)
Workshop on Computation-Aware Algorithmic Design for Cyber-Physical Systems (CAADCPS 2021)
A satellite workshop of the 2021 CPS-IoT week, May 18-21, 2021.
Most research in cyber-physical systems considers design of algorithms and their implementation separately. This poses a problem when dealing with cyber-physical systems with complex dynamics and uncertainty. In fact, in such cases the effectiveness of designed algorithms can be compromised by the unavoidably nonzero time needed to perform computations. The decentralization of computational resources and other requirements introduced at the implementation stage that were neglected at design will certainly negatively affect the behavior induced by the algorithm.
To properly cope with such issues, techniques for the synthesis of algorithms should incorporate information about the computations required to be performed when implemented, and, in some cases, possibly accept a degradation of performance while guaranteeing certain fundamental properties of the entire cyber-physical system, such as resilience, robustness, stability, and safety. The development of such synthesis techniques requires a radical change in the way algorithms for cyber-physical systems are designed, demanding an analysis and design framework in which, rather than being added a posteriori, computation is intrinsic in the sense that the time and cost to compute is part of the design process.
The goal of this workshop is to lay out the foundations of such framework for computation-aware algorithmic design of cyber-physical systems by bringing together experts (both practitioners and researchers) in cyber-physical systems and key areas in hardware design, real-time systems, optimization, control, safety, and verification.
The scope of the workshop includes, but is not restricted to, the following topics:
- Quantitative and qualitative analysis of hybrid systems
- Computation-aware models of cyber-physical systems
- Numerical optimization methods
- Hybrid systems verification
- Computation-aware synthesis of hybrid systems
- Reachability analysis of unified hardware-software models
- Automated synthesis of controllers
- Real-time optimization and adaptive Control
- Workload characterization of CPS applications
- Performance measurement and monitoring of CPS applications
- Hardware and software systems for improving the performance of CPS applications
Invited Speakers
- Murat Arcak,
- Abhishek Halder,
- Heiner Litz,
- Linh Phan,
- Ricardo Sanfelice, and
- Majid Zamani.
Program Committee
- Abhishek Halder,
- Abolfazl Lavaei,
- Abraham P. Vinod,
- Heiner Litz,
- Linh Phan,
- Majid Zamani.
- Murat Arcak,
- Panagiotis Tsiotras,
- Ricardo Sanfelice,
- Sadegh Soudjani,
- Sadra Sadraddini, and
- Vijay Gupta,
Submission Information
We solicit regular papers (max 6 pages) and extended abstracts (max 2 pages). Paper submission must be performed via the EasyChair system:
Regular papers must describe original work, be written and presented in English, and must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are under submission. Submitted papers will be judged on the basis of significance, relevance, correctness, originality, and clarity. They should clearly identify what has been accomplished and why it is significant.
Regular paper and extended abstracts submissions should be in ACM conference template.
All accepted papers will be posted on the workshop's website and included in the ACM Digital Library.
Important Dates
- Submissions deadline: February 10, 2021
- Notification: March 10, 2021
- Final version: April 10, 2021
- Workshop: May 18, 2021