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Cyber-Physical Systems Virtual Organization
Read-only archive of site from September 29, 2023.
CPS: TTP Option: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Dynamic Methods of Traffic Control that Impact Quality of Life in Smart Cities
Submitted by Nikolaos Papaniko... on Fri, 09/23/2016 - 2:18pm
Project Details
Lead PI:
Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos
Brian Scott
John Hourdos
Stephen Guy
Mihailo Jovanovic
Performance Period:
University of Maryland College Park
National Science Foundation
Award Number:
1295 Reads. Placed 246 out of 804 NSF CPS Projects based on total reads on all related artifacts.
In the recent past the term "Smart Cities" was introduced to mainly characterize the integration into our daily lives of the latest advancements in technology and information. Although there is no standardized definition of Smart Cities, what is certain is that it touches upon many different domains that affect a city's physical and social capital. Smart cities are intertwined with traffic control systems that use advanced infrastructures to mitigate congestion and improve safety. Traffic control management strategies have been largely focused on improving vehicular traffic flows on highways and freeways but arterials have not been used properly and pedestrians are mostly ignored. This work proposes to introduce a novel hierarchical adaptive controls paradigm to urban network traffic control that will adapt to changing movement and interaction behaviors from multiple entities (vehicles, public transport modes, bicyclists, and pedestrians). Such a paradigm will leverage several key ideas of cyber-physical systems to rapidly and automatically pin-point and respond to urban arterial congestion thereby improving travel time and reliability for all modes. Safety will also be improved since advanced warnings actuated by the proposed cyber-physical system will alert drivers to congested areas thereby allowing them to avoid these areas, or to adapt their driving habits. Such findings have a tangible effect on the well-being, productivity, and health of the traveling public. The primary goal is to create a Cyber-Control Network (CCN) that will integrate seamlessly across heterogeneous sensory data in order to create effective control schemes and actuation sequences. Accordingly, this project introduces a Cyber-Physical architecture that will then integrate: (i) a sub-network of heterogeneous sensors, (ii) a decision control substrate, and (iii) a sub-actuation network that carries out the decisions of the control substrate (traffic control signals, changeable message signs). This is a major departure from more prevalent centralized Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA), in that the CCN will use a hierarchical architecture that will dynamically instantiate the sub-networks together to respond rapidly to changing cyber-physical interactions. Such an approach allows the cyber-physical system to adapt in real-time to salient traffic events occurring at different scales of time and space. The work will consequently introduce a ControlWare module to realize such dynamic sub-network reconfiguration and provide decision signal outputs to the actuation network. A secondary, complementary goal is to develop a heterogeneous sensor network to reliably and accurately monitor and identify salient arterial traffic events. Other impacts of the project include the integration of the activities with practitioners (e.g., traffic engineers), annual workshops/tutorials, and outreach to K-12 institutions.
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CPS Domains
Transportation Systems Sector
Critical Infrastructure
Wireless Sensing and Actuation
CPS Technologies