In this paper, we propose a new Blockchain-based message and revocation accountability system called Blackchain. Combining a distributed ledger with existing mechanisms for security in V2X communication systems, we design a distributed event data recorder (EDR) that satisfies traditional accountability requirements by providing a compressed global state. Unlike previous approaches, our distributed ledger solution provides an accountable revocation mechanism without requiring trust in a single misbehavior authority, instead allowing a collaborative and transparent decision making process through Blackchain. This makes Blackchain an attractive alternative to existing solutions for revocation in a Security Credential Management System (SCMS), which suffer from the traditional disadvantages of PKIs, notably including centralized trust. Our proposal becomes scalable through the use of hierarchical consensus: individual vehicles dynamically create clusters, which then provide their consensus decisions as input for road-side units (RSUs), which in turn publish their results to misbehavior authorities. This authority, which is traditionally a single entity in the SCMS, responsible for the integrity of the entire V2X network, is now a set of authorities that transparently perform a revocation, whose result is then published in a global Blackchain state. This state can be used to prevent the issuance of certificates to previously malicious users, and also prevents the authority from misbehaving through the transparency implied by a global system state.
Cross-VM attacks have emerged as a major threat on commercial clouds. These attacks commonly exploit hardware level leakages on shared physical servers. A co-located machine can readily feel the presence of a co-located instance with a heavy computational load through performance degradation due to contention on shared resources. Shared cache architectures such as the last level cache (LLC) have become a popular leakage source to mount cross-VM attack. By exploiting LLC leakages, researchers have already shown that it is possible to recover fine grain information such as cryptographic keys from popular software libraries. This makes it essential to verify implementations that handle sensitive data across the many versions and numerous target platforms, a task too complicated, error prone and costly to be handled by human beings. Here we propose a machine learning based technique to classify applications according to their cache access profiles. We show that with minimal and simple manual processing steps feature vectors can be used to train models using support vector machines to classify the applications with a high degree of success. The profiling and training steps are completely automated and do not require any inspection or study of the code to be classified. In native execution, we achieve a successful classification rate as high as 98% (L1 cache) and 78$\backslash$% (LLC) over 40 benchmark applications in the Phoronix suite with mild training. In the cross-VM setting on the noisy Amazon EC2 the success rate drops to 60$\backslash$% for a suite of 25 applications. With this initial study we demonstrate that it is possible to train meaningful models to successfully predict applications running in co-located instances.
Detection and prevention of data breaches in corporate networks is one of the most important security problems of today's world. The techniques and applications proposed for solution are not successful when attackers attempt to steal data using steganography. Steganography is the art of storing data in a file called cover, such as picture, sound and video. The concealed data cannot be directly recognized in the cover. Steganalysis is the process of revealing the presence of embedded messages in these files. There are many statistical and signature based steganalysis algorithms. In this work, the detection of steganographic images with steganalysis techniques is reviewed and a system has been developed which automatically detects steganographic images in network traffic by using open source tools.
In recent years a wide range of wearable IoT healthcare applications have been developed and deployed. The rapid increase in wearable devices allows the transfer of patient personal information between different devices, at the same time personal health and wellness information of patients can be tracked and attacked. There are many techniques that are used for protecting patient information in medical and wearable devices. In this research a comparative study of the complexity for cyber security architecture and its application in IoT healthcare industry has been carried out. The objective of the study is for protecting healthcare industry from cyber attacks focusing on IoT based healthcare devices. The design has been implemented on Xilinx Zynq-7000, targeting XC7Z030 - 3fbg676 FPGA device.
Verifying the integrity of outsourced data is a classic, well-studied problem. However current techniques have fundamental performance and concurrency limitations for update-heavy workloads. In this paper, we investigate the potential advantages of deferred and batched verification rather than the per-operation verification used in prior work. We present Concerto, a comprehensive key-value store designed around this idea. Using Concerto, we argue that deferred verification preserves the utility of online verification and improves concurrency resulting in orders-of-magnitude performance improvement. On standard benchmarks, the performance of Concerto is within a factor of two when compared to state-of-the-art key-value stores without integrity.
In Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, an attacker tries to disable a service with a flood of seemingly legitimate requests from multiple devices; this is usually accompanied by a sharp spike in the number of distinct IP addresses / flows accessing the system in a short time frame. Hence, the number of distinct elements over sliding windows is a fundamental signal in DDoS identification. Additionally, assessing whether a specific flow has recently accessed the system, known as the Set Membership problem, can help us identify the attacking parties. Here, we show how to extend the functionality of a state of the art algorithm for set membership over a W elements sliding window. We now also support estimation of the distinct flow count, using as little as log2 (W) additional bits.
Cyber anonymity tools have attracted wide attention in resisting network traffic censorship and surveillance, and have played a crucial role for open communications over the Internet. The Onion Routing (Tor) is considered the prevailing technique for circumventing the traffic surveillance and providing cyber anonymity. Tor operates by tunneling a traffic through a series of relays, making such traffic to appear as if it originated from the last relay in the traffic path, rather than from the original user. However, Tor faced some obstructions in carrying out its goal effectively, such as insufficient performance and limited capacity. This paper presents a cyber anonymity technique based on software-defined networking; named SOR, which builds onion-routed tunnels across multiple anonymity service providers. SOR architecture enables any cloud tenants to participate in the anonymity service via software-defined networking. Our proposed architecture leverages the large capacity and robust connectivity of the commercial cloud networks to elevate the performance of the cyber anonymity service.
In this paper, an industrial testbed is proposed utilizing commercial-off-the-shelf equipment, and it is used to study the weakness of industrial Ethernet, i.e., PROFINET. The investigation is based on observation of the principles of operation of PROFINET and the functionality of industrial control systems.
The gradual deployment of intelligent and coordinated devices in the electrical power system needs careful investigation of the interactions between the various domains involved. Especially due to the coupling between ICT and power systems a holistic approach for testing and validating is required. Taking existing (quasi-) standardised smart grid system and test specification methods as a starting point, we are developing a holistic testing and validation approach that allows a very flexible way of assessing the system level aspects by various types of experiments (including virtual, real, and mixed lab settings). This paper describes the formal holistic test case specification method and applies it to a particular co-simulation experimental setup. The various building blocks of such a simulation (i.e., FMI, mosaik, domain-specific simulation federates) are covered in more detail. The presented method addresses most modeling and specification challenges in cyber-physical energy systems and is extensible for future additions such as uncertainty quantification.
As cloud computing becomes increasingly pervasive, it is critical for cloud providers to support basic security controls. Although major cloud providers tout such features, relatively little is known in many cases about their design and implementation. In this paper, we describe several security features in OpenStack, a widely-used, open source cloud computing platform. Our contributions to OpenStack range from key management and storage encryption to guaranteeing the integrity of virtual machine (VM) images prior to boot. We describe the design and implementation of these features in detail and provide a security analysis that enumerates the threats that each mitigates. Our performance evaluation shows that these security features have an acceptable cost-in some cases, within the measurement error observed in an operational cloud deployment. Finally, we highlight lessons learned from our real-world development experiences from contributing these features to OpenStack as a way to encourage others to transition their research into practice.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is a congestion-based attack that makes both the network and host-based resources unavailable for legitimate users, sending flooding attack packets to the victim's resources. The non-existence of predefined rules to correctly identify the genuine network flow made the task of DDoS attack detection very difficult. In this paper, a combination of unsupervised data mining techniques as intrusion detection system are introduced. The entropy concept in term of windowing the incoming packets is applied with data mining technique using Clustering Using Representative (CURE) as cluster analysis to detect the DDoS attack in network flow. The data is mainly collected from DARPA2000, CAIDA2007 and CAIDA2008 datasets. The proposed approach has been evaluated and compared with several existing approaches in terms of accuracy, false alarm rate, detection rate, F. measure and Phi coefficient. Results indicates the superiority of the proposed approach with four out five detected phases, more than 99% accuracy rate 96.29% detection rate, around 0% false alarm rate 97.98% F-measure, and 97.98% Phi coefficient.
We present DECANTeR, a system to detect anomalous outbound HTTP communication, which passively extracts fingerprints for each application running on a monitored host. The goal of our system is to detect unknown malware and backdoor communication indicated by unknown fingerprints extracted from a host's network traffic. We evaluate a prototype with realistic data from an international organization and datasets composed of malicious traffic. We show that our system achieves a false positive rate of 0.9% for 441 monitored host machines, an average detection rate of 97.7%, and that it cannot be evaded by malware using simple evasion techniques such as using known browser user agent values. We compare our solution with DUMONT [24], the current state-of-the-art IDS which detects HTTP covert communication channels by focusing on benign HTTP traffic. The results show that DECANTeR outperforms DUMONT in terms of detection rate, false positive rate, and even evasion-resistance. Finally, DECANTeR detects 96.8% of information stealers in our dataset, which shows its potential to detect data exfiltration.
Return-Oriented Programming (ROP) has emerged as one of the most widely used techniques to exploit software vulnerabilities. Unfortunately, existing ROP protections suffer from a number of shortcomings: they require access to source code and compiler support, focus on specific types of gadgets, depend on accurate disassembly and construction of Control Flow Graphs, or use hardware-dependent (microarchitectural) characteristics. In this paper, we propose EigenROP, a novel system to detect ROP payloads based on unsupervised statistical learning of program characteristics. We study, for the first time, the feasibility and effectiveness of using microarchitecture-independent program characteristics – namely, memory locality, register traffic, and memory reuse distance – for detecting ROP. We propose a novel directional statistics based algorithm to identify deviations from the expected program characteristics during execution. EigenROP works transparently to the protected program, without requiring debug information, source code or disassembly. We implemented a dynamic instrumentation prototype of EigenROP using Intel Pin and measured it against in-the-wild ROP exploits and on payloads generated by the ROP compiler ROPC. Overall, EigenROP achieved significantly higher accuracy than prior anomaly-based solutions. It detected the execution of the ROP gadget chains with 81% accuracy, 80% true positive rate, only 0.8% false positive rate, and incurred comparable overhead to similar Pin-based solutions. This article is summarized in: the morning paper an interesting/influential/important paper from the world of CS every weekday morning, as selected by Adrian Colyer
This paper studies the multi-agent average consensus problem under the requirement of differential privacy of the agents' initial states against an adversary that has access to all messages. As a fundamental limitation, we first establish that a differentially private consensus algorithm cannot guarantee convergence of the agents' states to the exact average in distribution, which in turn implies the same impossibility for other stronger notions of convergence. This result motives our design of a novel differentially private Laplacian consensus algorithm in which agents linearly perturb their state-transition and message-generating functions with exponentially decaying Laplace noise. We prove that our algorithm converges almost surely to an unbiased estimate of the average of the agents' initial states, compute the exponential mean-square rate of convergence, and formally characterize its differential privacy properties. Furthermore, we also find explicit optimal values of the design parameters that minimize the variance of the algorithm's convergence point around the exact average. Various simulations illustrate our results.
We study a class of distributed convex constrained optimization problem where a group of agents aims to minimize the sum of individual objective functions while each desires to keep its function differentially private. We prove the impossibility of achieving differential privacy using strategies based on perturbing with noise the inter-agent messages when the underlying noise-free dynamics is asymptotically stable. This justifies our algorithmic solution based on the perturbation of the individual objective functions with Laplace noise within the framework of functional differential privacy. We carefully design post-processing steps that ensure the perturbed functions regain the smoothness and convexity properties of the original functions while preserving the differentially private guarantees of the functional perturbation step. This methodology allows to use any distributed coordination algorithm to solve the optimization problem on the noisy functions. Finally, we explicitly bound the magnitude of the expected distance between the perturbed and true optimizers, and characterize the privacy-accuracy trade-off. Simulations illustrate our results.
To appear
Early Access DOI: 10.1109/TPWRS.2017.2682235
This work introduces concepts and algorithms along with a case study validating them, to enhance the event detection, pattern recognition and anomaly identification results in real life video surveillance. The motivation for the work underlies in the observation that human behavioral patterns in general continuously evolve and adapt with time, rather than being static. First, limitations in existing work with respect to this phenomena are identified. Accordingly, the notion and algorithms of Dynamic Clustering are introduced in order to overcome these drawbacks. Correspondingly, we propose the concept of maintaining two separate sets of data in parallel, namely the Normal Plane and the Anomaly Plane, to successfully achieve the task of learning continuously. The practicability of the proposed algorithms in a real life scenario is demonstrated through a case study. From the analysis presented in this work, it is evident that a more comprehensive analysis, closely following human perception can be accomplished by incorporating the proposed notions and algorithms in a video surveillance event.
In recent years, behavioral biometrics have become a popular approach to support continuous authentication systems. Most generally, a continuous authentication system can make two types of errors: false rejects and false accepts. Based on this, the most commonly reported metrics to evaluate systems are the False Reject Rate (FRR) and False Accept Rate (FAR). However, most papers only report the mean of these measures with little attention paid to their distribution. This is problematic as systematic errors allow attackers to perpetually escape detection while random errors are less severe. Using 16 biometric datasets we show that these systematic errors are very common in the wild. We show that some biometrics (such as eye movements) are particularly prone to systematic errors, while others (such as touchscreen inputs) show more even error distributions. Our results also show that the inclusion of some distinctive features lowers average error rates but significantly increases the prevalence of systematic errors. As such, blind optimization of the mean EER (through feature engineering or selection) can sometimes lead to lower security. Following this result we propose the Gini Coefficient (GC) as an additional metric to accurately capture different error distributions. We demonstrate the usefulness of this measure both to compare different systems and to guide researchers during feature selection. In addition to the selection of features and classifiers, some non- functional machine learning methodologies also affect error rates. The most notable examples of this are the selection of training data and the attacker model used to develop the negative class. 13 out of the 25 papers we analyzed either include imposter data in the negative class or randomly sample training data from the entire dataset, with a further 6 not giving any information on the methodology used. Using real-world data we show that both of these decisions lead to significant underestimation of error rates by 63% and 81%, respectively. This is an alarming result, as it suggests that researchers are either unaware of the magnitude of these effects or might even be purposefully attempting to over-optimize their EER without actually improving the system.