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Tootaghaj, Diman Zad, Farhat, Farshid, Pakravan, Mohammad-Reza, Aref, Mohammad-Reza.  2011.  Game-theoretic approach to mitigate packet dropping in wireless Ad-hoc networks. 2011 IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC). :163–165.
Performance of routing is severely degraded when misbehaving nodes drop packets instead of properly forwarding them. In this paper, we propose a Game-Theoretic Adaptive Multipath Routing (GTAMR) protocol to detect and punish selfish or malicious nodes which try to drop information packets in routing phase and defend against collaborative attacks in which nodes try to disrupt communication or save their power. Our proposed algorithm outranks previous schemes because it is resilient against attacks in which more than one node coordinate their misbehavior and can be used in networks which wireless nodes use directional antennas. We then propose a game theoretic strategy, ERTFT, for nodes to promote cooperation. In comparison with other proposed TFT-like strategies, ours is resilient to systematic errors in detection of selfish nodes and does not lead to unending death spirals.
Chun Lam Chan, Pak Hou Che, Sidharth Jaggi, Venkatesh Saligrama.  2011.  Non-adaptive probabilistic group testing with noisy measurements: Near-optimal bounds with efficient algorithms. 49th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Allerton 2011, Allerton Park {&} Retreat Center, Monticello, IL, USA, 28-30 September, 2011. :1832–1839.
Burkay Orten, Prakash Ishwar, William Clement Karl, Venkatesh Saligrama.  2011.  Sensing structure in learning-based binary classification of high-dimensional data. 49th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Allerton 2011, Allerton Park {&} Retreat Center, Monticello, IL, USA, 28-30 September, 2011. :1521–1528.
Burkay Orten, Prakash Ishwar, W. Clem Karl, Venkatesh Saligrama, Homer H. Pien.  2011.  Sensing-aware classification with high-dimensional data. Proceedings of the {IEEE} International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, {ICASSP} 2011, May 22-27, 2011, Prague Congress Center, Prague, Czech Republic. :3700–3703.
Paulo Casanova, Bradley Schmerl, David Garlan, Rui Abreu.  2011.  Architecture-Based Run-Time Fault Diagnosis. Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Software Architecture.

An important step in achieving robustness to run-time faults is the ability to detect and repair problems when they arise in a running system. Effective fault detection and repair could be greatly enhanced by run-time fault diagnosis and localization, since it would allow the repair mechanisms to focus adaptation effort on the parts most in need of attention. In this paper we describe an approach to run-time fault diagnosis that combines architectural models with spectrum-based reasoning for multiple fault localization. Spectrum-based reasoning is a lightweight technique that takes a form of trace abstraction and produces a list (ordered by probability) of likely fault candidates. We show how this technique can be combined with architectural models to support run-time diagnosis that can (a) scale to modern distributed software systems; (b) accommodate the use of black-box components and proprietary infrastructure for which one has neither a specification nor source code; and (c) handle inherent uncertainty about the probable cause of a problem even in the face of transient faults and faults that arise only when certain combinations of system components interact. 

Peter Jones, Venkatesh Saligrama, Sanjoy K. Mitter.  2010.  Probabilistic Belief Revision with Structural Constraints. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 23: 24th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2010. Proceedings of a meeting held 6-9 December 2010, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.. :1036–1044.
Peter Jones, Sanjoy K. Mitter, Venkatesh Saligrama.  2010.  Revision of marginal probability assessments. 13th Conference on Information Fusion, {FUSION} 2010, Edinburgh, UK, July 26-29, 2010. :1–8.
Venkatesh Saligrama, Janusz Konrad, Pierre{-}Marc Jodoin.  2010.  Video Anomaly Identification. {IEEE} Signal Process. Mag.. 27:18–33.
Parno, B., McCune, J.M., Perrig, A.  2010.  Bootstrapping Trust in Commodity Computers. Security and Privacy (SP), 2010 IEEE Symposium on. :414-429.

Trusting a computer for a security-sensitive task (such as checking email or banking online) requires the user to know something about the computer's state. We examine research on securely capturing a computer's state, and consider the utility of this information both for improving security on the local computer (e.g., to convince the user that her computer is not infected with malware) and for communicating a remote computer's state (e.g., to enable the user to check that a web server will adequately protect her data). Although the recent "Trusted Computing" initiative has drawn both positive and negative attention to this area, we consider the older and broader topic of bootstrapping trust in a computer. We cover issues ranging from the wide collection of secure hardware that can serve as a foundation for trust, to the usability issues that arise when trying to convey computer state information to humans. This approach unifies disparate research efforts and highlights opportunities for additional work that can guide real-world improvements in computer security.

Sommer, R., Paxson, V..  2010.  Outside the Closed World: On Using Machine Learning for Network Intrusion Detection. Security and Privacy (SP), 2010 IEEE Symposium on. :305-316.

In network intrusion detection research, one popular strategy for finding attacks is monitoring a network's activity for anomalies: deviations from profiles of normality previously learned from benign traffic, typically identified using tools borrowed from the machine learning community. However, despite extensive academic research one finds a striking gap in terms of actual deployments of such systems: compared with other intrusion detection approaches, machine learning is rarely employed in operational "real world" settings. We examine the differences between the network intrusion detection problem and other areas where machine learning regularly finds much more success. Our main claim is that the task of finding attacks is fundamentally different from these other applications, making it significantly harder for the intrusion detection community to employ machine learning effectively. We support this claim by identifying challenges particular to network intrusion detection, and provide a set of guidelines meant to strengthen future research on anomaly detection.

Zhang, H., Ma, J., Wang, Y., Pei, Q..  2009.  An Active Defense Model and Framework of Insider Threats Detection and Sense. 2009 Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security. 1:258—261.
Insider attacks is a well-known problem acknowledged as a threat as early as 1980s. The threat is attributed to legitimate users who take advantage of familiarity with the computational environment and abuse their privileges, can easily cause significant damage or losses. In this paper, we present an active defense model and framework of insider threat detection and sense. Firstly, we describe the hierarchical framework which deal with insider threat from several aspects, and subsequently, show a hierarchy-mapping based insider threats model, the kernel of the threats detection, sense and prediction. The experiments show that the model and framework could sense the insider threat in real-time effectively.
Yannick Benezeth, Pierre{-}Marc Jodoin, Venkatesh Saligrama, Christophe Rosenberger.  2009.  Abnormal events detection based on spatio-temporal co-occurences. 2009 {IEEE} Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition {(CVPR} 2009), 20-25 June 2009, Miami, Florida, {USA}. :2458–2465.
Pierre{-}Marc Jodoin, Venkatesh Saligrama, Janusz Konrad.  2009.  Implicit Active-Contouring with MRF. Image Analysis and Recognition, 6th International Conference, {ICIAR} 2009, Halifax, Canada, July 6-8, 2009. Proceedings. 5627:178–190.
Halderman, J. Alex, Schoen, Seth D., Heninger, Nadia, Clarkson, William, Paul, William, Calandrino, Joseph A., Feldman, Ariel J., Appelbaum, Jacob, Felten, Edward W..  2009.  Lest We Remember: Cold-boot Attacks on Encryption Keys. Commun. ACM. 52:91–98.

Contrary to widespread assumption, dynamic RAM (DRAM), the main memory in most modern computers, retains its contents for several seconds after power is lost, even at room temperature and even if removed from a motherboard. Although DRAM becomes less reliable when it is not refreshed, it is not immediately erased, and its contents persist sufficiently for malicious (or forensic) acquisition of usable full-system memory images. We show that this phenomenon limits the ability of an operating system to protect cryptographic key material from an attacker with physical access to a machine. It poses a particular threat to laptop users who rely on disk encryption: we demonstrate that it could be used to compromise several popular disk encryption products without the need for any special devices or materials. We experimentally characterize the extent and predictability of memory retention and report that remanence times can be increased dramatically with simple cooling techniques. We offer new algorithms for finding cryptographic keys in memory images and for correcting errors caused by bit decay. Though we discuss several strategies for mitigating these risks, we know of no simple remedy that would eliminate them.

Pierre Clarot, Erhan Baki Ermis, Pierre{-}Marc Jodoin, Venkatesh Saligrama.  2009.  Unsupervised camera network structure estimation based on activity. Third {ACM/IEEE} International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras, {ICDSC} 2009, Como, Italy, August 30 - September 2, 2009. :1–8.