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Kareem, Mohammed Aman, Tayeb, Shahab.  2021.  ML-based NIDS to secure RPL from Routing Attacks. 2021 IEEE 11th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC). :1000–1006.
Low power and lossy networks (LLNs) devices resource-constrained nature make it difficult to implement security mechanisms to defend against RPL routing attacks. RPLs inbuilt security functions are not efficient in preventing a wide majority of routing attacks. RPLs optional security schemes can defend against external attacks, but cannot mitigate internal attacks. Moreover, RPL does not have any mechanism to verify the integrity of control messages used to keep topology updated and route the traffic. All these factors play a major role in increasing the RPLs threat level against routing attacks. In this paper, a comparative literature review of various researchers suggesting security mechanisms to mitigate security attacks aimed at RPL has been performed and methods have been contrasted.
Selim, Haysam, Tayeb, Shahab, Kim, Yoohwan, Zhan, Justin, Pirouz, Matin.  2016.  Vulnerability Analysis of Iframe Attacks on Websites. Proceedings of the The 3rd Multidisciplinary International Social Networks Conference on SocialInformatics 2016, Data Science 2016. :45:1–45:6.

Clickjacking attacks are emerging threats to websites of different sizes and shapes. They are particularly used by threat agents to get more likes and/or followers in Online Social Networks (OSNs). This paper reviews the clickjacking attacks and the classic solutions to tackle various forms of those attacks. Different approaches of Cross-Site Scripting attacks are implemented in this study to study the attack tools and methods. Various iFrame attacks have been developed to tamper with the integrity of the website interactions at the application layer. By visually demonstrating the attacks such as Cross-Site scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), users will be able to have a better understanding of such attacks in their formulation and the risks associated with them.