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Jeff Liu, Galina A. Schwartz, Saurabh Amin.  2016.  Effects of Information Heterogeneity in Bayesian Congestion Games. Transportation Science (submitted for review).
This article studies the value of information in route choice decisions when a fraction of players have access to high accuracy information about traffic incidents relative to others. To model such environments, we introduce a Bayesian congestion game, in which players have private information about incidents, and each player chooses her route on a network of parallel links. The links are prone to incidents that occur with an ex-ante known probability. The demand is comprised of two player populations: one with access to high accuracy incident information and another with low accuracy information, i.e. the populations differ only by their access to information. The common knowledge includes: (i) the demand and route cost functions, (ii) the fraction of highly-informed players, (iii) the incident probability, and (iv) the marginal type distributions induced by the information structure of the game. We present a full characterization of the Bayesian Wardrop Equilibrium of this game under the assumption that low information players receive no additional information beyond common knowledge. We also compute the cost to individual players and the social cost as a function of the fraction of highly-informed players when they receive perfectly accurate information. Our first result suggests that below a certain threshold of highly-informed players, both populations experience a reduction in individual cost, with the highly-informed players receiving a greater reduction. However, above this threshold, both populations realize the same equilibrium cost. Secondly, there exists another (lower or equal) threshold above which a further increase in the fraction of highly-informed players does not reduce the expected social costs. Thus, once a sufficiently large number of players are highly informed, wider distribution of more accurate information is ineffective at best, and otherwise socially harmful.