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Barni, M., Nowroozi, E., Tondi, B., Zhang, B..  2020.  Effectiveness of Random Deep Feature Selection for Securing Image Manipulation Detectors Against Adversarial Examples. ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :2977—2981.

We investigate if the random feature selection approach proposed in [1] to improve the robustness of forensic detectors to targeted attacks, can be extended to detectors based on deep learning features. In particular, we study the transferability of adversarial examples targeting an original CNN image manipulation detector to other detectors (a fully connected neural network and a linear SVM) that rely on a random subset of the features extracted from the flatten layer of the original network. The results we got by considering three image manipulation detection tasks (resizing, median filtering and adaptive histogram equalization), two original network architectures and three classes of attacks, show that feature randomization helps to hinder attack transferability, even if, in some cases, simply changing the architecture of the detector, or even retraining the detector is enough to prevent the transferability of the attacks.

Pan, X., Yang, Y., Zhang, G., Zhang, B..  2017.  Resilience-based optimization of recovery strategies for network systems. 2017 Second International Conference on Reliability Systems Engineering (ICRSE). :1–6.

Network systems, such as transportation systems and water supply systems, play important roles in our daily life and industrial production. However, a variety of disruptive events occur during their life time, causing a series of serious losses. Due to the inevitability of disruption, we should not only focus on improving the reliability or the resistance of the system, but also pay attention to the ability of the system to response timely and recover rapidly from disruptive events. That is to say we need to pay more attention to the resilience. In this paper, we describe two resilience models, quotient resilience and integral resilience, to measure the final recovered performance and the performance cumulative process during recovery respectively. Based on these two models, we implement the optimization of the system recovery strategies after disruption, focusing on the repair sequence of the damaged components and the allocation scheme of resource. The proposed research in this paper can serve as guidance to prioritize repair tasks and allocate resource reasonably.

Zhang, B., Ye, J., Feng, C., Tang, C..  2017.  S2F: Discover Hard-to-Reach Vulnerabilities by Semi-Symbolic Fuzz Testing. 2017 13th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS). :548–552.
Fuzz testing is a popular program testing technique. However, it is difficult to find hard-to-reach vulnerabilities that are nested with complex branches. In this paper, we propose semi-symbolic fuzz testing to discover hard-to-reach vulnerabilities. Our method groups inputs into high frequency and low frequency ones. Then symbolic execution is utilized to solve only uncovered branches to mitigate the path explosion problem. Especially, in order to play the advantages of fuzz testing, our method locates critical branch for each low frequency input and corrects the generated test cases to comfort the branch condition. We also implemented a prototype\textbackslashtextbarS2F, and the experimental results show that S2F can gain 17.70% coverage performance and discover more hard-to-reach vulnerabilities than other vulnerability detection tools for our benchmark.