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Nagar, S., Rajput, S. S., Gupta, A. K., Trivedi, M. C..  2017.  Secure routing against DDoS attack in wireless sensor network. 2017 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence Communication Technology (CICT). :1–6.

Wireless sensor network is a low cost network to solve many of the real world problems. These sensor nodes used to deploy in the hostile or unattended areas to sense and monitor the atmospheric situations such as motion, pressure, sound, temperature and vibration etc. The sensor nodes have low energy and low computing power, any security scheme for wireless sensor network must not be computationally complex and it should be efficient. In this paper we introduced a secure routing protocol for WSNs, which is able to prevent the network from DDoS attack. In our methodology we scan the infected nodes using the proposed algorithm and block that node from any further activities in the network. To protect the network we use intrusion prevention scheme, where specific nodes of the network acts as IPS node. These nodes operate in their radio range for the region of the network and scan the neighbors regularly. When the IPS node find a misbehavior node which is involves in frequent message passing other than UDP and TCP messages, IPS node blocks the infected node and also send the information to all genuine sender nodes to change their routes. All simulation work has been done using NS 2.35. After simulation the proposed scheme gives feasible results to protect the network against DDoS attack. The performance parameters have been improved after applying the security mechanism on an infected network.