A semi-quantum key distribution (SQKD) protocol allows two users A and B to establish a shared secret key that is secure against an all-powerful adversary E even when one of the users (e.g., B) is semi-quantum or classical in nature while the other is fully-quantum. A mediated SQKD protocol allows two semi-quantum users to establish a key with the help of an adversarial quantum server. We introduce the concept of a multi-mediated SQKD protocol where two (or more) adversarial quantum servers are used. We construct a new protocol in this model and show how it can withstand high levels of quantum noise, though at a cost to efficiency. We perform an information theoretic security analysis and, along the way, prove a general security result applicable to arbitrary MM-SQKD protocols. Finally, a comparison is made to previous (S)QKD protocols.
In this work we introduce a novel QKD protocol capable of smoothly transitioning, via a user-tuneable parameter, from classical to semi-quantum in order to help understand the effect of quantum communication resources on secure key distribution. We perform an information theoretic security analysis of this protocol to determine what level of "quantumness" is sufficient to achieve security, and we discover some rather interesting properties of this protocol along the way.
In this paper we show how genetic algorithms can be effectively applied to study the security of arbitrary quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols when faced with adversaries limited to current-day technology. We compare two approaches, both of which take into account practical limitations on the quantum power of an adversary (which can be specified by the user). Our system can be used to determine upper-bounds on noise tolerances of novel QKD protocols in this scenario, thus making it a useful tool for researchers. We compare our algorithm's results with current known numerical results, and also evaluate it on newer, more complex, protocols where no results are currently known.