
Filters: Author is Baranowski, R.  [Clear All Filters]
Kochte, M. A., Baranowski, R., Wunderlich, H. J..  2017.  Trustworthy reconfigurable access to on-chip infrastructure. 2017 International Test Conference in Asia (ITC-Asia). :119–124.

The accessibility of on-chip embedded infrastructure for test, reconfiguration, or debug poses a serious security problem. Access mechanisms based on IEEE Std 1149.1 (JTAG), and especially reconfigurable scan networks (RSNs), as allowed by IEEE Std 1500, IEEE Std 1149.1-2013, and IEEE Std 1687 (IJTAG), require special care in the design and development. This work studies the threats to trustworthy data transmission in RSNs posed by untrusted components within the RSN and external interfaces. We propose a novel scan pattern generation method that finds trustworthy access sequences to prevent sniffing and spoofing of transmitted data in the RSN. For insecure RSNs, for which such accesses do not exist, we present an automated transformation that improves the security and trustworthiness while preserving the accessibility to attached instruments. The area overhead is reduced based on results from trustworthy access pattern generation. As a result, sensitive data is not exposed to untrusted components in the RSN, and compromised data cannot be injected during trustworthy accesses.