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Haq, E. U., Xu, H., Pan, L., Khattak, M. I..  2017.  Smart Grid Security: Threats and Solutions. 2017 13th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grids (SKG). :188–193.

the terms Smart grid, IntelliGrid, and secure astute grid are being used today to describe technologies that automatically and expeditiously (separate far from others) faults, renovate potency, monitor demand, and maintain and recuperate (firm and steady nature/lasting nature/vigor) for more reliable generation, transmission, and distribution of electric potency. In general, the terms describe the utilization of microprocessor-predicated astute electronic contrivances (IEDs) communicating with one another to consummate tasks afore now done by humans or left undone. These IEDs watch/ notice/ celebrate/ comply with the state of the puissance system, make edified decisions, and then take action to preserve the (firm and steady nature/lasting nature/vigor) and performance of the grid. Technology use/military accommodation in the home will sanction end users to manage their consumption predicated on their own predilections. In order to manage their consumption or the injuctive authorization placed on the grid, people (who utilize a product or accommodation) need information and an (able to transmute and get better) power distribution system. The astute grid is an accumulation of information sources and the automatic control system that manages the distribution of puissance, understands the transmutations in demand, and reacts to it by managing demand replication. Different billing (prosperity plans/ways of reaching goals) for mutable time and type of avail, as well as conservation and use or sale of distributed utilizable things/valuable supplies, will become part of perspicacious solutions. The traditional electrical power grid is currently evolving into the perspicacious grid. Perspicacious grid integrates the traditional electrical power grid with information and communication technologies (ICT). Such integration empowers the electrical utilities providers and consumers, amends the efficiency and the availability of the puissance system while perpetually monitoring, - ontrolling and managing the authoritative ordinances of customers. A keenly intellective grid is an astronomically immense intricate network composed of millions of contrivances and entities connected with each other. Such a massive network comes with many security concerns and susceptibilities. In this paper, we survey the latest on keenly intellective grid security. We highlight the involution of the keenly intellective grid network and discuss the susceptibilities concrete to this sizably voluminous heterogeneous network. We discuss then the challenges that subsist in securing the keenly intellective grid network and how the current security solutions applied for IT networks are not adequate to secure astute grid networks. We conclude by over viewing the current and needed security solutions for the keenly intellective gird.