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Lyu, L..  2020.  Lightweight Crypto-Assisted Distributed Differential Privacy for Privacy-Preserving Distributed Learning. 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). :1–8.
The appearance of distributed learning allows multiple participants to collaboratively train a global model, where instead of directly releasing their private training data with the server, participants iteratively share their local model updates (parameters) with the server. However, recent attacks demonstrate that sharing local model updates is not sufficient to provide reasonable privacy guarantees, as local model updates may result in significant privacy leakage about local training data of participants. To address this issue, in this paper, we present an alternative approach that combines distributed differential privacy (DDP) with a three-layer encryption protocol to achieve a better privacy-utility tradeoff than the existing DP-based approaches. An unbiased encoding algorithm is proposed to cope with floating-point values, while largely reducing mean squared error due to rounding. Our approach dispenses with the need for any trusted server, and enables each party to add less noise to achieve the same privacy and similar utility guarantees as that of the centralized differential privacy. Preliminary analysis and performance evaluation confirm the effectiveness of our approach, which achieves significantly higher accuracy than that of local differential privacy approach, and comparable accuracy to the centralized differential privacy approach.
Lyu, L., Law, Y. W., Jin, J., Palaniswami, M..  2017.  Privacy-Preserving Aggregation of Smart Metering via Transformation and Encryption. 2017 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ICESS. :472–479.

This paper proposes a novel privacy-preserving smart metering system for aggregating distributed smart meter data. It addresses two important challenges: (i) individual users wish to publish sensitive smart metering data for specific purposes, and (ii) an untrusted aggregator aims to make queries on the aggregate data. We handle these challenges using two main techniques. First, we propose Fourier Perturbation Algorithm (FPA) and Wavelet Perturbation Algorithm (WPA) which utilize Fourier/Wavelet transformation and distributed differential privacy (DDP) to provide privacy for the released statistic with provable sensitivity and error bounds. Second, we leverage an exponential ElGamal encryption mechanism to enable secure communications between the users and the untrusted aggregator. Standard differential privacy techniques perform poorly for time-series data as it results in a Θ(n) noise to answer n queries, rendering the answers practically useless if n is large. Our proposed distributed differential privacy mechanism relies on Gaussian principles to generate distributed noise, which guarantees differential privacy for each user with O(1) error, and provides computational simplicity and scalability. Compared with Gaussian Perturbation Algorithm (GPA) which adds distributed Gaussian noise to the original data, the experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed FPA and WPA by adding noise to the transformed coefficients.