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Halunen, Kimmo, Karinsalo, Anni.  2017.  Measuring the Value of Privacy and the Efficacy of PETs. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Software Architecture: Companion Proceedings. :132–135.
Privacy is a very active subject of research and also of debate in the political circles. In order to make good decisions about privacy, we need measurement systems for privacy. Most of the traditional measures such as k-anonymity lack expressiveness in many cases. We present a privacy measuring framework, which can be used to measure the value of privacy to an individual and also to evaluate the efficacy of privacy enhancing technologies. Our method is centered on a subject, whose privacy can be measured through the amount and value of information learned about the subject by some observers. This gives rise to interesting probabilistic models for the value of privacy and measures for privacy enhancing technologies.
Peeters, Roel, Hermans, Jens, Maene, Pieter, Grenman, Katri, Halunen, Kimmo, Häikiö, Juha.  2017.  n-Auth: Mobile Authentication Done Right. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Computer Security Applications Conference. :1–15.
Weak security, excessive personal data collection for user profiling, and a poor user experience are just a few of the many problems that mobile authentication solutions suffer from. Despite being an interesting platform, mobile devices are still not being used to their full potential for authentication. n-Auth is a firm step in unlocking the full potential of mobile devices in authentication, by improving both security and usability whilst respecting the privacy of the user. Our focus is on the combined usage of several strong cryptographic techniques with secure HCI design principles to achieve a better user experience. We specified and built n-Auth, for which robust Android and iOS apps are openly available through the official stores.
Halunen, Kimmo, Karinsalo, Anni.  2017.  Measuring the Value of Privacy and the Efficacy of PETs. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Software Architecture: Companion Proceedings. :132–135.

Privacy is a very active subject of research and also of debate in the political circles. In order to make good decisions about privacy, we need measurement systems for privacy. Most of the traditional measures such as k-anonymity lack expressiveness in many cases. We present a privacy measuring framework, which can be used to measure the value of privacy to an individual and also to evaluate the efficacy of privacy enhancing technologies. Our method is centered on a subject, whose privacy can be measured through the amount and value of information learned about the subject by some observers. This gives rise to interesting probabilistic models for the value of privacy and measures for privacy enhancing technologies.