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Ikuesan, A. R., Venter, H. S..  2017.  Digital Forensic Readiness Framework Based on Behavioral-Biometrics for User Attribution. 2017 IEEE Conference on Application, Information and Network Security (AINS). :54–59.

Whilst the fundamental composition of digital forensic readiness have been expounded by myriad literature, the integration of behavioral modalities have not been considered. Behavioral modalities such as keystroke and mouse dynamics are key components of human behavior that have been widely used in complementing security in an organization. However, these modalities present better forensic properties, thus more relevant in investigation/incident response, than its deployment in security. This study, therefore, proposes a forensic framework which encompasses a step-by-step guide on how to integrate behavioral biometrics into digital forensic readiness process. The proposed framework, behavioral biometrics-based digital forensics readiness framework (BBDFRF) comprised four phases which include data acquisition, preservation, user-authentication, and user pattern attribution phase. The proposed BBDFRF is evaluated in line with the ISO/IEC 27043 standard for proactive forensics, to address the gap on the integration of the behavioral biometrics into proactive forensics. BBDFRF thus extends the body of literature on the forensic capability of behavioral biometrics. The implementation of this framework can be used to also strengthen the security mechanism of an organization, particularly on continuous authentication.

Mohlala, M., Ikuesan, A. R., Venter, H. S..  2017.  User Attribution Based on Keystroke Dynamics in Digital Forensic Readiness Process. 2017 IEEE Conference on Application, Information and Network Security (AINS). :124–129.

As the development of technology increases, the security risk also increases. This has affected most organizations, irrespective of size, as they depend on the increasingly pervasive technology to perform their daily tasks. However, the dependency on technology has introduced diverse security vulnerabilities in organizations which requires a reliable preparedness for probable forensic investigation of the unauthorized incident. Keystroke dynamics is one of the cost-effective methods for collecting potential digital evidence. This paper presents a keystroke pattern analysis technique suitable for the collection of complementary potential digital evidence for forensic readiness. The proposition introduced a technique that relies on the extraction of reliable behavioral signature from user activity. Experimental validation of the proposition demonstrates the effectiveness of proposition using a multi-scheme classifier. The overall goal is to have forensically sound and admissible keystroke evidence that could be presented during the forensic investigation to minimize the costs and time of the investigation.